Sagittarius ♐ Ingress – Make Your Mark

…but a sanguine temper, for ever expecting more good than occurs, does not always pay for its hopes by any proportion of depression. It soon flies over the present failure, and begins to hope again.”

— Jane Austen (Sun ☉ and Mercury ☿ in Sagittarius ♐)

If life didn’t feel heavier than usual for you at some point during the past month, you might be one of the lucky ones! Maybe you walked a tightrope of emotional fullness as the Sun was eclipsed by the Moon in November or felt inhibited in a voracious quest for intimacy as the Sun conjoined Saturn in profound, penetrating and intense Scorpio in early October. At last, our Sun has entered expansive, optimistic, adventurous, and outspoken, Sagittarius at 3:51pm CST on November 21st and luck is a fitting theme for this open minded and goal oriented mutable fire sign characterized by the keywords, “I Seek”. Scorpio represents areas of our life where we are often (un)willingly and painfully transformed while Sagittarius is where we begin to derive deeper meaning and a broader perspective from our rough experiences. Eventually, we develop our own system of personal beliefs.

“In a sentence, at the heart of Sagittarius there lies a great craving to explore and understand life.  Whether orthodox or not, Sagittarius, like Leo, is a deeply religious sign, and the word religious is here used in its original sense:  to reconnect.  This means reconnection with the source, with the roots of life, with some sense of meaning.  Whether you find him traveling as a salesman or an archaeologist, a poet or a scholar, whatever profession or job he lands himself in.  Sagittarius is trying to broaden his scope, to enlarge his consciousness.  Life is a curious and interesting thing to Sagittarius.  It is something to be played with, explored, enjoyed, and peered into.  And ultimately, understood.” [6]

Simplified astrology books depict Sagittarius as an optimistic and lucky sign, yet are all Sagittarians so happy-go-lucky? Mass murderer, James Holmes, who shot several people during The Dark Knight Rises earlier this year inside a Colorado movie theater was born under the sign of the archer. I say this to tether some of the broad generalizations of Sagittarius that widely exist. There are two sides to every coin and each sign has its own higher expression and shadow.

Sagittarius is an intuitive, energetic and inspirational fire sign, but it is also a sign that is strongly connected to one’s mental state and personal philosophy. I’ve observed that when the optimistic, expansive and freedom oriented nature of this sign is confined; it can sometimes result in a type of depression or detachment from reality which is in stark contrast to the typically jovial, tolerant and philosophical perspective of Sagittarians. Nevertheless, I meet the energy of the archer in many of my favorite people and I am most fond of their generally positive, adventurous, excitable and philosophical nature. I’ve had some great trips and conversations about the world at large with them!

Chiron⚷ – The Wounded Healer

The constellation of Sagittarius is tied to the mythological centaurs, creatures which highlight the combination of humane and animalistic forces that symbolize human nature. As a combination of human and animal elements, centaurs allude to Sagittarius’s connection to higher meaning as a means to make sense of these conflicting forces of human nature. In myth, centaurs were generally depicted as combative, volatile, and drunken beings.

“The first and most effective race to use the horse in battle was the Scythians, skilled archers who took full advantage of its speed and height to become a race beheld in terror and awe. It is claimed that when the Greeks first saw the Scythians they believed the horse and rider to be one, giving rise to imaginative and fear-inspired tales of the war-like centaur.” [1]

This unabashed nature of the centaurs is reflective of the unevolved Sagittarian’s infamous propensity for immaturity and bluntness that may be taken as abrasive at times. It’s true that if you encounter such a Sagittarian, you may want to avoid spilling your deepest secrets to them. Of course, not all Sagittarians are combustible blabbermouths! Legend tells of one centaur in particular by the name of Chiron that was known as a valuable philosopher, teacher, and sage. In many ways Chiron embodied a bridge between man and beast, and possessed spectacular knowledge because of this. He was considered a maverick of sorts: not quite human, not quite beast, and not like the other centaurs. The story goes that Chiron was accidently wounded by a poisoned arrow, but because of his immortal nature, he could not die. Chiron’s incurable injury led him to become a great healer despite the fact that he could not heal himself, hence his association as the wounded healer.

“Sagittarius with his intuition and his vision, is often in touch with many mysteries.  He may have a deep sense, often unarticulated, that life is meaningful, that man is divine, that all things have a purpose and reach a lesson and offer growth.  But the distance between his vision of light and the limitations of being human is a vast one.  The reality of tangible, physical life is always imperfect, always in a way poisoned when compared to the vision he sees. In some strange way, this is Sagittarius’ true wound.” [6]

Sagittarius ♐ and Jupiter ♃ – Expansion and Growth

Traditional astrology deemed Jupiter, ruling planet of Sagittarius as The Greater Benefic. Where Saturn, the Greater Malefic is structured, judgmental and serious, Jupiter is expansive, tolerant and jovial. Both planets are indicative of great teachers in different ways. During transits of Jupiter, one may encounter bouts of good fortune, goal setting, or spiritual and mental growth. On the day that Jupiter was exactly conjunct my Sun, I received a phone call about an amazing internship that I completed over the summer! The positive influences of Jupiter are how Sagittarius came to be known as a lucky sign. Personally, I think there are other factors at work instead of luck.

“It’s that remarkable eye for the opportunity, that intuitive nose that can spot a potential or a possibility thirty miles away.  And also the impulsiveness, rashness, boldness, call it what you will, that gives Sagittarius the flaming nerves to try his luck, where other signs will cower in the wings waiting for something more concrete…The more introverted Sagittarian may not be found frequenting a new disco or roller skating rink.  But he’ll usually be miles ahead of everyone else with a new novel, a new philosophy, a new film, a new cultural phenomenon.  The same gifted intuition works here, but in a more interior way.[6]

In contrast, Jupiter is not always purely positive and can result in overinflated goals and opinions, overabundance and irresponsibility. With Jupiter as one’s ruling planet, there can be a tendency to overextend oneself, inclinations toward reckless and spontaneous action, and an interest in overly idealistic pursuits that may not be in accordance with reality.

Some of the mythological depictions of Jupiter help to shed light onto the nature Sagittarius. As king of the gods, Jupiter possessed a mighty temper which is a known quality of the fire signs. However, it’s often true that Sagittarians are quick to forget what fired them up in the first place. Another historical quality of Jupiter lies in his ability to shape shift. I’ve mentioned the myth of Europa in my post about Taurus in which he transformed into a magnificent white bull in order to lure her to him.

“Sagittarius loves to play roles – the more theatrical, the better.  Being caught in the same costume twice is quite horrific for him.  His restless mind is always seeking new ways to approach those goals, new costumes, new poses, new techniques.  Change, travel, constant mental stimulus, exploration of unknown landscapes – tell Sagittarius that there really is a hidden treasure under that mountain and he’ll be as happy as any Taurus with his bank account bursting.  Find a Sagittarian who’s forced to circle the same ground over and over again, perform the same routine in endless monotony, and you have found the most miserable of creatures.”  [6]

Sagittarius ♐ and House IX – Broadened Horizons

Sagittarius is also connected with the exciting and adventurous House IX in a natal chart. It is here that themes of higher education, foreign cultures, long distance travel, and belief systems are illuminated. People born with planets in this house often have an affinity for foreign cultures or might be attracted to people with different cultural backgrounds than themselves. It is also where we derive meaning from life experiences and develop our own personal philosophy. I’ve mentioned before that House VIII is where we are often transformed through crisis and House IX often carries the resulting revelations, just as Scorpio flows into Sagittarius.

 “When the hammer falls, we take out the map and look for a new frontier. There’s nothing like a distant horizon to repair a shattered soul. Whenever we reach a personal limit, after a divorce, a career gone bad, when life doesn’t turn out as we hoped it would, to the 9th house we’ll go. We’ll take a trip. We’ll return to school. We’ll seek advice from a 9th house person—an astrologer, lawyer, or priest. We’ll pray for God’s blessings. As we go through the outer 9th house motions, inwardly we’re reaching, stretching and struggling to acquire a new perspective on our world.” [3]

Sagittarius ♐ Vs. Gemini – Philosophy Vs. Objectivity

The polarity of Sagittarius and Gemini could be likened to the relationship of a student and teacher. I think that these two intellectual signs are a pair of opposites that complement each other more than other pairs. Gemini is a quick-witted and cerebral collector of information while Sagittarius exercises a knack for synthesizing what Gemini collects and providing it with true meaning. Gemini often excels at critical analysis while Sagittarius often has a much larger and more idealistic vision.

“You’ll often find that the Sagittarius man does his traveling and his wandering on a mental level rather than a physical one.  They are often the apparent intellectuals of the zodiac, devouring books, absorbing all forms of knowledge like tasty meals.  But Sagittarius isn’t an intellectual in the sense that Gemini is; he’s not prone to analyzing with a fine-toothed comb all the bits of information that come into his head.  He’s much more intuitive, and more interested in relating fields of knowledge than in dissecting them.  And his mind is speculative – whether it’s about philosophy, literature, the arts, or the stock-market.” [6]

Gemini as also represented by House III which is opposite House IX in a natal chart. House III represents the objective facts and data of the lower mind. Sagittarius in indicative of the higher mind: our own personal truth and vision that evolves from the lower mind.

“We seek truth in the 9th house. But what we get there are beliefs, an entirely different matter. Its opposite, the 3rd house, is built on facts. The 9th is knit with theories and opinions. While its ideals can open up new worlds, they can also shut our borders and lock us into conflict. ” [3]

“Perhaps it’s just this mystery that makes the 9th house so appealing–how your world can change with just an idea, a prayer, or a strange ritual. What is this power we petition here? Why has every civilization made offerings to it? How has this power poured into us as new concepts, moral guidance, art that endures for centuries? Certainly our 9th house beliefs can trap us and draw a curtain on our growth. They also can take us so far beyond ourselves that we conceive ourselves anew. That’s why mankind is so devoted to the 9th, connecting with God, searching for answers, believing in miracles. There is much in this house to ponder. And definitely much to love.” [3]

Jupiter in House I Mars in House IX – The World At Large

For whatever reason, I am an earthy Taurus born into a family nearly full of fire signs. My mother was a Leo, my brother is an Aries, and my father was born under the sign of the archer. Needless to say, I’ve experienced the combustible and ferocious tempers of each one of them! However, I’ve also seen each of them accomplish the most amazing feats and I wouldn’t be here today without the generosity and influences from of each of them.

My father was a textbook Sagittarian. He was tall, passionate about sports, religious and owned his own small claims practice for years which was also attuned to his Mars in Libra. When I was much younger, he would essentially say yes to almost anything I asked for in stark contrast to my mother. In a way, I believe this was the result of the freedom oriented values of his Sagittarian Sun. He had a habit of speaking very intensely and was a bit intimidating when fired up, but his generosity and commitment to helping others was unparalleled. He even married more than once.

Nonetheless, my father always did seem to have an eye on the future so that when he did pass, my brother and I were beneficiaries to his property. Keeping an eye on the future is one of the greatest lessons that I’ve taken from Sagittarius. Setting goals requires a certain level of hope and optimism and helps one to step outside of their current situation, if only for a second, to see things on a much larger scale. Having goals hopefully creates the belief that you will reach them and it invigorates life as opposed to  flailing around in a dull routine with both eyes on what lies before you.

I’ve spent an eventful 22 years of my life in Houston and more and more each day, I long to find a home away from home. I’ve always longed to travel abroad with Jupiter in my 1st house and Mars in Pisces in 9th, but early life never provided the resources to do so. Lately I’ve been intrigued by relocated natal charts and astrocartography maps and after noting the building inner compulsion, I briefly and correctly thought to myself that the ascendant of my next solar return chart must be in Sagittarius. There’s a grand vision of my future that is branded in my mind’s eye and it fuels me to pierce the heart of target that I’ve set for myself. To me, this is what Sagittarius is all about. So this month, ask yourself what kind of goals have you set for your future? Will you hit your mark?

Famous Sagittarians ♐ via CafeAstrology

Some Famous People with Sun in Sagittarius: Christina Aguilera (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius), Tyra Banks, Ludwig van Beethoven (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Sagittarius), Billy Bragg (Sun and Moon in Sagittarius), Benjamin Bratt, Harry Chapin (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius), Dick Clark (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Sagittarius), Emily Dickinson (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius), Walt Disney, Kirk Douglas (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Brendan Frasier (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Katie Holmes (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Sinead O’Connor (Sun and Venus in Sagittarius), Ozzy Osbourne (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Brad Pitt, Britney Spears (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius),  Steven Spielberg (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Ben Stiller (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Marisa Tomei (Sun and Moon in Sagittarius), Mark Twain (Sun, Venus, and Mars in Sagittarius).

Damien Rice was born on December 7, 1973 under the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius


  1. Sagittarius The Archer
  2. Star Lore of the Constellation Sagittarius: The Archer
  3. The 9th House
  4. Jupiter
  5. The Sagittarius Myth
  6. Astrology For Lovers – Sagittarius

Gemini ♊ Ingress – Fine-Tuning The Lower Mind

A man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them.”

– James Madison

This year, our Sun ☉ enters the mutable air sign of Gemini  at 10:16am CDT on May 20, 2012  which is also accompanied by a solar eclipse later in the day occurring at 0° Gemini at 6:46pm CDT. The sign directly before Gemini is Taurus, where energy is focused, steady, grounded, and productive. Consequently, Gemini is where we learn to lighten up, explore, and harness the power of flexibility, and multitasking when it comes to our burdens. Gemini is the first of the intellectually oriented air signs of the zodiac, preceding the signs of Libra and Aquarius and is therefore associated with the keywords, “I Think”.  As a Mutable sign (along with Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces), Gemini is highly analytical, versatile, and factual, yet this can also sometimes manifest as scattered, contradictory, and superficial energy as well.

The dual nature of Gemini derives from the Roman tale of Castor and Pollux, brothers who agreed to remain immortal by living alternate lives on heaven and earth instead of dying. Similarly Gemini natives are often the embodiment of a state of mental flux and flexibility. Therefore, mental stimulation is oftentimes somewhat of a necessity for these intellectual beings.

Gemini , Mercury ☿, and House III – Learning and Communicating

There’s a youthful, curious, communicative, verbal, and witty quality to many native Gemini’s and Mercury, planet of communication is directly linked to this quality.  Certain ancient cultures considered language to be a mystical and supernatural gift, only worthy of certain people.

Skyscript tells us that Hermes is known as the Greek counterpart to Mercury.

“Hermes acts as a a holy personification of the Mind and Intelligence of the Creator. He is the inventor of language, written words, arithmetic and geometry, and his skill in communication is a direct demonstration of his Divine and Sacred powers –

” Words, and the way they were constructed, were perceived as magical symbols, mirrors of the Divine Mind. Spoken with proper intonation and with the correct spiritual approach, they were the means to summon the gods, heal the sick and command obedience.”

Because of Gemini’s association with Mercury and the mind, the sign is linked to the nervous system, hands, and lungs. This rulership speaks to the tendency for Gemini to experience nervous tension under stress, similar to the sign of Virgo which is also ruled by Mercury. I can oftentimes discern someone with Gemini energy if they speak or write eloquently, are knowledgeable about a wide range of subjects, or are crafty and tech-oriented.

Also, Gemini is connected with House III of a natal chart, representing language, learning, siblings, short trips, and neighbors. Dana Gerhardt  writes:

“The 3rd house rules siblings, neighbors, short trips, grammar school, the acquisition and use of language. But underneath these keywords lies a profound mystery: our fundamentally human dance of development–of curiosity, imitation and communication, of adapting to and connecting with our immediate world. It is not so much a house of “things” as it is a zone of activity. The way a plant reaches for light, in our 3rd house, we reach for the world with our minds. The essence of all 3rd house nouns might be collected in a single verb: in this house we learn.”

Therefore, I propose an alternate set of keywords for Gemini, “I Learn“.

Gemini ♊ and Sagittarius ♐ – Lower Mind Vs. Higher Mind

 It seems that Gemini and Sagittarius have more in common than other pairs of opposite signs. In Mapping the Psyche, Claire Martin calls Gemini and Sagittarius the Axis of Exploration. However, the issue with this polarity is that it seems to lack a grounding element despite plenty of fun! Furthermore, these two signs represent different facets of mental activity; Gemini being associated with information (objective facts) and the lower mind, while Sagittarius represents meaning (philosophy or religion) and components of the higher mind.

“If we lose our objectivity, and ignore the actual facts, then we will find ourselves increasingly out of touch with, and alienated from, the very sense of vision and meaning which was so important to us, because we will not have any perspective or have learned to put our vision into words, or developed the ability to discuss it objectively with others, to compare it to other schools of thought or to teach it.”

Progressed Sun in Gemini – Mental Acquisition

There have been several times in my life when I felt completely overwhelmed by copious amounts of data. As a Taurus born with Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun, it has oftentimes been important for me to properly absorb new information on my own terms. Yet, the current cycle of my life is prominently characterized by flexibility and a infinite and compulsive hunger to learn! Naturally, it seems that my passion for acquiring such knowledge has a lot to do with the fact that my progressed Sun is moving across 5° Gemini during this year.

Education is a very serious issue for me, and as my progressed Sun moved from Taurus in House XI to Gemini in House XII at age 16, I experienced an involuntary detour in my educational path that led me to take  alternative steps in order to further my education.

I am really enjoying The Zodiac by Degrees by Martin Goldsmith. The following is for the degree of my progressed Sun.

5° Gemini: An outrageously dressed artist bursts into a quiet museum and shocks the patrons by nailing up a painting and a printed manifesto

Descriptive Phases – Publicity; passionate desire to get one’s message across; putting one’s message in a catchy, original form (slipping important messages into humor, crazy wisdom); catalyzing social change by bringing fringe ideas to the attention of the public; throwing a complacent public off-balance through extremist tactics (attention-seekers, may cultivate notoriety if fame is not forthcoming, publicity stunts): presenting reality in a startling new light (visual arts), faith in direct perception, living with few assumptions (constantly amazing by life’s surprises); jauntily dancing  within a situation in spin, keeping one’s edge vs. relying on proven formulas; staying true to one’s viewpoint vs. selling out; developing a trademark style; self-advertising.”

Goldsmith’s imagery for 5° Gemini eerily describes my experiences of this past year. I began broadcasting my own astrology and music based college radio show on COOG Radio, and it was the beginning of an empowering phase of original self-promotion that I never really expected. I conceived The Ecliptic, with Garron Ballard from the depths of my own mind, and never thought it would grow into an international entity that so many people would come to support. I have also certainly taken huge leaps in learning new skills and developing my dormant talent in the visual arts such as photography, graphic design, and web design.

My progressed Sun will continue to move through the sign of Gemini for the next 25 years, and through this time I aspire to continue learning as much as I can. I didn’t always see it, but I can certainly see the incredible strength that exists in remaining flexible, communicative, and lighthearted now more than ever.

Famous Geminis via Cafe Astrology:

Michael J. Fox, Angelina Jolie, John F. Kennedy, Mel Blanc (Sun and Moon in Gemini), Drew Carey, Courteney Cox (Sun and Mercury in Gemini), Johnny Depp, Melissa Etheridge, John Goodman (Sun, Moon, and Venus in Gemini), Steffi Graf (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Gemini), Elizabeth Hurley (Sun and Mercury in Gemini), Nicole Kidman, Anna Kournikova (Sun and Mars in Gemini), Lenny Kravitz, Kylie Minogue (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Gemini), Marilyn Monroe (Sun and Mercury in Gemini),  Prince William (Sun and Mercury in Gemini), Brooke Shields (Sun, Moon, and Venus in Gemini), Pete Wentz (Sun and Mercury in Gemini).

Chino Moreno of Deftones was born on June 20, 1973 under the mutable air sign of Gemini  .