Libra ♎ Ingress – Self Reflection

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”

— F. Scott Fitzgerald (Sun ☉, Mercury ☿, and Venus ♀ in Libra ♎)

I’ve officially reached the halfway point of my quest to blog about all twelve signs of the zodiac in accordance to the yearly passage of the Sun along the ecliptic, meaning that we have reached the Autumnal Equinox! Naturally, the Sun entered the cardinal air sign of Libra ♎ on October 22 at 9:49 am simultaneously marking the beginning of Fall 2012.

If the Sun’s passage through all twelve signs represent various facets of personality, The autumnal equinox marks a pivotal shift into temporary equilibrium (as night and day become equal in length) while awareness of others comes into sharp focus. In Virgo, we learn the value of self-sufficiency while Libra introduces the fascinating concept of self-projection; the process of defining ourselves through our relationships with others.

There are a couple of interesting myths surrounding the sign of the scales. The most popular Grecian myth surrounds Astraea, a virgin goddess of justice and law who wielded a sword and scales. Astraea was believed to be one of the last immortals who roamed the earth during the bronze age, determining the fates of men based on their degrees of good and evil with her scales. Eventually, the darkness in the hearts of man became so overwhelming that Astraea fled from earth into the sky as the constellation of Virgo. Her scales remained nearby to form the constellation of Libra.

Another more secondary myth is highlighted by Liz Green in Astrology for Lovers and gives great insight into the dualistic nature of Libra. One day, Tiberias, observes two coupled serpents and asks Hera which of them experiences the greater pleasure. Because Hera cannot answer, she grants him the experience of living part of his life as a woman. In the end, when asked which sex experienced the greater pleasure, Tiberias attempts an act of Libran diplomacy in order to avoid offending either sex. The bold act of Tiberias alludes to the trademark objectivity that Librans often possess as an air sign, allowing them to effectively weigh both sides of an issue. However, coming to a conclusion is a different story!Frederick Woodruff beautifully articulates the nature of Libra in his blog post.

“The symbol of the scales is neither human nor animal. Librans are a Platonic concept made flesh; guardians of ideals, upholders of truth, that engage in the circle of life but are not part of it; they are here to remind the rest of us that we’re more than animals with a neocortex (or worse sub-animals and an embarrassment to the species). We’ve higher callings, like beauty. Like truth. Like eventually learning to think like Librans do.”

Libra , Venus , and House VII – Reflection and Projection

Ancient astrology deemed Venus as the “lesser benefic” describing it as a planet of fortunate influence. However, modern astrology has moved away from the notion of planets with benefic and malefic influences. Personally, I like to think that the position of the planets in a person’s natal chart are not inherently good or bad. Each planet has many different expressions of its energy which people might perceive to be easy or difficult depending on the makeup of the chart and the individual’s level of consciousness.

Astrological Venus represents the process of relationships, pleasure, and our aesthetic tastes; all components that most relate to Libra. Many Librans excel in professions concerning law, strategy, and art. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to encounter cliché charming, attractive, highly artistic Libran individuals who may often identify themselves through the relationships in their lives. After all, we’ve all probably possessed the need to be wanted or approved by others at some point.

“Many Librans are all too eager to live in superficial harmony and can be exasperating in their avoidance of uncomfortable issues. Like the betrayed wife who has good reason to suspect her husband is having an affair but would rather not think about it, or the philandering lover who assures you of total commitment before disappearing off the scene – so long as it looks good”

Furthermore, Libra is linked with the descendant or 7th house in astrology which is the house of relationships. Oftentimes individuals with strong 7th placements strongly identify through their relationships or may continually meet the qualities of a particular planet in that house through others. For example, a woman born with Mars in her 7th house ♂ might find it difficult to assert herself in relationships and consequently attract a quick tempered or domineering partner as a result. Once we begin to understand that positive relationships involve successful awareness and integration of the parts of ourselves that we encounter through others, we are able to take invaluable steps towards self actualization or wholeness. Dana Gerhardt writes the following about the 7th house.

“Left to my own devices, I see nothing Pisces-like in me. I’m Virgo–analytical, organized, efficient. But through my partner’s sundry imperfections, I gain a mirror into the parts of myself I hide. Imagine this: I’ve discovered I can be forgetful, deceitful, and escapist too! Accepting my partner now gets a little easier. What’s more, embracing my darker Pisces side allows the positive one to emerge. I become more relaxed, more present, more at peace. Perhaps my partner, Robert, is my soul mate after all—if by “soul mate” we mean those people who patiently provoke us… into mating with the forgotten fullness of our souls.”

Gerhardt describes the concept of polarities that I always advocate because as Libra knows, it’s important to know each side to every argument. Each pair of opposite signs is deeply connected. Look further and you might find much more common ground than expected. Opposites really do attract, and you can oftentimes identify this trend through one’s 7th house. April Elliot Kent also illuminates the complex issues of “self” and “other” that Aries (1st house) and Libra (7th house) represent.

“Once someone enters our 7th house (whether as spouse, business partner, or mortal foe), they experience a side of us which is often very different from the initial, welcome-mat Ascendant version of our personality. In sifting with us through the rubble of our rejected dreams, impulses, and personality traits, and mirroring us back to ourselves through our own 7th house, our partners are like Peter Pan’s Wendy, sewing Peter’s shadow back on: they “sew” the shadow (7th house) self back onto our personality (Ascendant) and make us whole again.”

Of course there is tons of literature on love and relationships. Is love a projection of our own desires? Are we truly selfish or selfless creatures? The archetypes of opposite signs Libra and Aries shed valuable insight into these questions.

Libra vs. Aries – Harmony and Discord

Popular astrology often depicts Librans as harmonious peace lovers. There are certainly Librans who prefer to keep the peace and strive to avoid conflict, yet this is certainly not always the case. By remembering that Libra is connected to Aries, it becomes much easier to recognize the pioneering, controversial, and argumentative qualities of many famous Librans. Obviously, harmony cannot be constantly perpetuated in a world full of so many disharmonies and Libra is acutely aware of this. Yet, there comes a point when one must state their case!

“…If they hold fast to the deeper spiritual principles of their sign, they will not feel obliged to offer concessions in order to avoid confrontation, but will be happy to take up a position of polarisation, to stand with equal force against whatever they are opposed to. In this sense they become the true ‘equalisers’, the children of the scales who, using the weapons of tact, grace, fairness and reason, are unafraid to meet the challenge of negating oppressive forces. Libra is a cardinal sign, underlain with a strong will that inclines towards initiating changes. Yet of all the cardinal signs Libra is the most underrated force; for their non-intimidating personas can often fool us into thinking that they will give up on their goals far easier than they will.”

One of my astrology teachers is fascinated by the mythology of Eris, one of the more recently discovered dwarf planets named after an ancient goddess of discord and believes that the myth of Eris has strong ties to the sign of Libra. In short, Eris aided in bringing about the Trojan War indirectly by throwing an apple labeled “To the fairest” in the midst of Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena which they battled over. Despite her twisted motivations, Eris actually executed a strategic move which stemmed from ill feelings she possessed from not being invited to a wedding. Here, we can see the strength of Libra’s strategic ability and tendency to stir up conflict indirectly when not aware of their inner self.

“The sooner he climbs down from the ivory tower which is his protection against emotional pain and disillusionment, the sooner he can begin his real work, which is first to marry the conflicting opposites within himself. Whether it’s his intellect and his emotions, his maleness and his femaleness, his spirituality and his materialism, Libra will always find deep conflicts in himself which represent the deep conflicts in life. And as he gradually carves for himself the thin road in the middle, he can truly become the bringer of the Good, the True and the Beautiful – because they no longer exist only in his mind.”

Pluto Conjunct Descendant in Capricorn – Authentic Relationships

Not long ago, I had Pluto cross over my descendant at 2° Capricorn. Plutonian energy is intense, profound, and penetrating while often characterized by themes of transformation, authenticity, destruction, and renewal. Next month, I’ll go into more detail about Pluto (ruler of Scorpio ♏). However by combining the basic meanings of Pluto and the descendant one can imagine that this tends to be a pretty impactful transit in astrology.

Eventually, I went through a crucial and initially painful separation and purging of inauthentic relationships in my life that wasn’t exactly by choice (the nature off Pluto). As I look back on it now, I clearly see how letting go of toxic relationships was immensely beneficial and it led to a greater awareness of the positive and negative Plutonian aspects of my personality that I tend to project onto others. It helped me to better embrace change and to see the benefit of relenting to the necessary transformational impulses that so often simmer inside ourselves.

“Through 7th house people we become more whole. That sounds nice, but it’s often painful in practice, for the 7th isn’t just a dance floor. It’s a razor too, scraping the rough edges off our personalities. This is in the horoscope’s design: our 7th house partners stand opposite our 1st house self. That is why the 7th rules “open enemies” as well as our “true loves.” (And isn’t it unfortunate how many true loves become open enemies in the end.)”

So here’s an interesting little exercise for you to do over the next month, if you please. Examine the close relationships in your lives and ask yourself about the reoccurring qualities that these relationships might have in common? How can you better integrate these qualities into yourself? If you have knowledge of your natal chart, examine your 7th house and its planetary ruler. Chances are you are meeting the unexpressed qualities of yourself in several of your relationships.

“A good rule of thumb is that any individual who provokes us into a strong emotional response, who affects us, has unwittingly invited a shadow dance with our 7th house. Keep your wits. Hold your complaints at arm’s length and study them. Let them send you on a scavenger hunt for those very qualities inside yourself. Of course this spoils the fun of righteous indignation. But it’s worth the effort.”

Famous Librans via CafeAstrology

e.e. Cummings (Sun and Venus in Libra), Matt Damon (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Zac Efron (Sun and Mars in Libra), Eminem (Sun, Venus, and Mars in Libra), Sarah Ferguson (Sun and Mars in Libra), F. Scott Fitzgerald (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Libra), Angela Lansbury (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra), Avril Lavigne, John Lennon (Sun and Mars in Libra), Heather Locklear (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Libra), Emily Post (Authority on etiquette – Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Libra), Kelly Preston (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Christopher Reeve (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Susan Sarandon (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Alicia Silverstone (Sun and Mars in Libra), Bruce Springsteen (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Libra), Jean-Claude Van Damme (Sun and Ascendant in Libra), Kate Winslet (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Libra), Yo Yo Ma (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Libra), Catherine Zeta-Jones (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Mohandas Gandhi, Oscar Wilde

Tina Dico
was born on October 14, 1977 under the cardinal air sign of Libra


  1. The Libra Myth
  2. Skyscript: Libra the Scales
  3. The 7th House
  4. Libra
  5. Gore Vidal: The Best Man

Solar Reflections – A Birthday Analysis

May 5th – Full Moon in Scorpio ♏

How fitting that the Moon ☽ (my chart ruler) is nearly full this year on my birthday this year (May 4th); a culmination of the abundance of valuable lessons that I’ve learned during my twenty first year of life! Many are calling tomorrow’s full moon in Scorpio ♏ a Supermoon due to its proximity to the earth.

Technically, the Sun ☉ returned to its position during my birth at 13° 51 Taurus ♉ at 5:28pm yesterday on May 3rd. Sometimes our Solar Return occurs a little before or after our birthday. This year, it’s an odd feeling that carries much reflection. However, I must say that May 4, 2012 feels incredible! Maybe it’s because of the hard work that I feel I’ve done this year (i.e. consolidating responsibilities through the constricting influence of Saturn ♄ square ☐ Saturn ♄, purging of inauthentic relationships through Pluto ♇ conjunct ☌ my descendant (DC), and learning the power of transcending my ego with the progressed Sun and Moon in the introspective twelfth house (XII). Regardless, I couldn’t feel any more fortunate to have amazing things going for me and amazing people in my life at this time!

Sabian Symbols – Intuitive Tools

I just received my copy of The Zodiac by Degrees by Martin Goldsmith. The book is basically a massive update to the existing 360 Sabian Symbols associated with each degree of the Zodiac (i.e. 0-30 of Aries-Pisces) which can be quite telling. In the introduction, Goldsmith writes:

“Symbols have the power to engage your intuitive faculties. They help you make a direct connection with a person’s basic spiritual energies and penetrate the private language of their own personal mythology.”

Goldsmith’s updated symbols for the position of Sun ☉ in my chart are the following:

13º Taurus A porter studies a pile of luggage and then deftly hoists the bags to his shou


Descriptive Phases Assessment-seeing the basic problem underlying seemingly unrelated problems; getting a good handle on a situation; makeshift but serviceable solutions; calmly reassessing one’s balance of priorities and readjusting one’s use of time and energy accordingly (juggling acts); serving society by taking on it’s weightier problems, but only on one’s terms (bail out when personal freedom is threatened, ramblers, working class heroes); keeping one’s head and shoulders above one’s worldly problems; cheerfully accepting one’s lot in life (worriers); escaping a rut vs. being mired in problems; robust and competent handling of everyday problems vs. obstinately sticking with a method that isn’t working; putting in the requisite effort; taking the bull by the horns; resourcefulness.”

This imagery is known as the karmic condition (task to complete in this lifetime) for the placement of the Sun in my chart and certainly alludes to someone who has been called to handle heavy burdens. Naturally, I was exposed to very real issues at a very young age such as poverty, divorce, and death. Most of the time I felt as if the experiences of my friends were so much different than mine yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Shouldering such special ‘luggage’ has blessed me with an abundance of confidence and strength to face whatever awaits me in the future. Some descriptions describe 13º Taurus as a degree of extreme self-reliance and this could not be more true especially with my natal Venus in Aries as well. I tend to nurture my visions of practicality. However, I also have to remind myself to relax and open up to the subtle, lighter, and unseen influences of life.

14º Taurus: Crayfish are groping toward land, while high above the shore a modern city rises upon the ruins of an ancient civilization.

Descriptive Phases The slow, natural evolution of consciousness or social structures; the instinctive urge to press forward despite internal and ex

ternal resistance; small steps forward that eventually result in tidal shifts; learning from mistakes of the past; crawling out of the muck of ignorance and prejudice and rebuilding society among more humanitarian lines; shedding outlived social structures vs. getting stuck in a shell; crawling out from under an oppressive situation once one has seen the light of day (tentative fumbling while one is still “in the dark”); forming an underground brotherhood that shares breakthroughs in consciousness and tries to guide human evolution; refusing to be bullied or pushed back once one has seen where one is going.”

This second set of imagery also hits home for me and is known as my quest (the result of my efforts). I’ve always thought that one day, I will head my own personal creative and material empire. I like the fact that this degree speaks of modernist notions as I would certainly consider myself to be a progressive and socially conscious individual with an abundance of energy once I begin moving. Everything that I’ve endured in my life certainly fuels me to press forward. I’ve always harbored the Taurean instinct to build my life into something solid, but  also something innovative.

Solar Return – 2011

Yesterday I was analyzing my solar return charts for the past couple of years and I was certainly able to find the major lessons of each year within each chart. The Cancer ♋ Ascendant of my 2011 Solar Return chart on the left easily alludes to emotional and domestic issues. Indeed, I experienced a big security crisis of sorts and moved twice. Ironically, it was a Cancerian woman who was kind enough to aid me during this rough patch.

Naturally the chart ruler of the chart is the Moon at 29′ Taurus ♉ in House XI (groups and organizations). I joined COOG Radio this year and found myself a

s part of an amazing and budding organization.

In retrospect, 2011 was a considerably difficult and emotionally charged year for me, but also a year of immense accomplishment and responsibility which was totally indicated by the placement of the Sun ☉ in House X (career and public status). I spent part of the year feeling as if I had lost my personal effectiveness with my progressed Sun and Moon in House XII (ego dispersion) and working a job that I fell into where I felt highly unsettled. However, there is a happy ending. My domestic situation came full circle (Cancer Ascendant), I found a job that I love (House X) and I am about to begin a fantastic internship with a wonderful organization (House XI) next month!

Solar Return – 2012

My 2012 Solar Return chart on the right is an interesting one, boasting a Libran ♎ Ascendant. It appears to be a spectacular year for my creative pursuits and I am certainly much more creative now than ever before.

The Sun ☉ sits in the Scorpionic 8th House which indicates psychological insight and transformations. I did book an appointment with a therapist. Not really for any specific reason, but mainly for emotional well being. There are sure to be powerful emotional und

ercurrents this year and most likely more big changes so creative outlets and similar methods for emotional purging are essential.

Also, there’s the Moon ☽ again right on the Libran Ascendant!  Saturn ♄ in House I (self and physical manifestations) may help to keep me much more refined and task oriented in as well.

One specific part of  Goldsmith’s imagery for 14° Taurus resonates deeply for me this year:

“Small steps forward that eventually result in tidal shifts.”

All in all, I believe it’s going to be a great year. Keep an eye out for huge waves in 2012!

Photo by Garron Ballard / May 6, 2012 Supermoon / 3am Richmond, Texas

Tina Dico was born on October 14, 1977 in Aarhus, Denmark under the sign of Libra ♎

The Aries ♈ Point – Active and Animated

“I know that every good and excellent thing in the world stands moment by moment on the razor-edge of danger and must be fought for…”

— Thornton Wilder (Sun ☉ in Aries ♈)

It’s sort of odd but not surprising, really. The best way to describe how I’ve been feeling lately is that there’s a fire in my mind and soul, and strangely enough this is accurately reflected in the sky. The Sun entered the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries ♈ today on Tuesday, March 20 2012 at 12:15 a.m CST. Currently, Mercury ☿ is conjunct Uranus ♅, while both planets are conjunct my natal Venus ♀ at 0° Aries.

Astrologically speaking, Mercury and Uranus are intellectual planets very much so associated with the mind and mental activity while Venus represents tastes, values, and artistic inclinations among other things. It’s no surprise that the abundance of Arian energy has me feeling so animated. I’ve found that the Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) oftentimes possess the innate ability to inspire others.

Another term for 0° Aries is known as the Aries Point. As the Sun makes it’s 360° transit each year, its passage over 0° Aries signifies the start of the sign of Aries and the beginning of Spring (Vernal Equinox). Naturally, Aries is associated with acts of birth and initiation; the initial spark of life’s essence that will be preserved in Taurus ♉. In Pisces ♓, expressed energy is more passive, diffusive, and universally conscious. While in Taurus, energy tends to be slower, stable, and materially conscious. Aries is much quicker, more impulsive, and direct while oftentimes possessing a well-developed sense of self characterized by the keywords, “I Am“.

Aries ♈, and Mars ♂, and Animation

Mars ♂, planet of action,  physical energy, sexuality, and mobilization resonates with the sign of Aries and is known as its ruler. Therefore, I propose a second set of keywords for Aries, “I Initiate“. The location of Mars in a natal chart can explain how a person expresses their anger, their desires,  basic instincts, and drive. In ancient mythology, Mars was the God of war and in a similar fashion, Arians are well equipped for conflict.

“Mars is the defiant spirit; when dignified it will show courage, fearlessness, respected leadership, the propensity to take a risk and the lover of a challenge. In this form Mars is the moral champion, ready to take up arms on behalf of others less able or willing to put their necks on the line.

When poorly placed and displaying its less noble traits, it represents needless aggression, violent eruptions, assertiveness to the point of selfishness, and the urge to take from others without due regard to their needs and well being.”

Aries ♈ and Libra ♎ – Self Vs. Other

Libra is the opposite sign of Aries and also the first sign of the zodiac that involves awareness of others, harmony, and diplomacy at best. Being ruled by Venus, the sign of Libra also represents the act of objectively relating through relationships while Aries represents awareness of self. In Greek mythology, counterparts to Mars and Venus, Ares and Aphrodite were lovers during the course of Aphrodite’s unhappy marriage to Hephaistos.

In Mapping the Psyche, Clare Martin states:

“The Aries/Libra axis concerns the struggle to find the balance between autonomy and compromise, self-assertion and cooperation, respect for the self and respect for the other.”

“Ultimately, there is no inherent meaning in being strong and independent and focused in isolation. It is much easier to gain a sense of personal fulfilment and achievement if we are fighting for a principle, such as justice, or on behalf of another person.”

I’ve grown up with an Aries sibling and have observed his deeply competitive spirit, will to succeed, and ferocious inner fire. In my Arian friends, I most admire their typical independence, iron will, excitement, and spontaneity. There’s an almost innocent simplicity and straightforwardness that is synonymous with Aries. Skyscript sums it up, best:

“If you are born under the sign of Aries, remember, the sun-sign indicates your true spirit, the heart of your being where you should find immense strength in self-expression. You should never seek to curb your natural qualities, but merely shape them and direct them into powerful, worthwhile and constructive outlets.”

“Impulsiveness, and the urge to take action is your gift and your strength,Impulsiveness, and the urge to take action is your gift and your strength, leaving the hesitating majority in shame.”

Famous Arians

Aretha Franklinn, Matthew Broderick, Reba McEntire, Diana Ross, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Hugh Hefner, Stephen Segal, Alec Baldwin, Mariah Carey, Jackie Chan, Russell Crowe, Shannen Doherty, Robert Downey Jr., Stacy Ferguson “Fergie”, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ashley Judd, Lucy Lawless, John Madden, Conan O’Brien, Sarah Jessica Parker, William Shatner, Gloria Steinem, Vincent Van Gogh, Christopher Walken.

Jonny Craig of Emarosa was born on March 26, 1986 under the sign of Aries.