Pisces Ingress – Traversing the Transpersonal

Aerial view of foggy coastline“If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Pisces)

I vividly remember the days in which my family didn’t have much. Every Sunday, my mother gave what little income she had as her tithe and offering to God. The rational mind might perceive this act as foreign, but she believed in something greater than herself and it bestowed her with a deep well of strength and inspiration in the face of adversity. This was probably my earliest experience to the principal of faith. I believe that the energy we project into this world is reflected back to us, in the people the meet, the experiences that we encounter, and the opportunities that arise. Sometimes it’s beneficial, albeit difficult for us to relinquish control and submit to forces beyond our control, yet we can uncover hidden strength and perceptions that we may have previously been oblivious to. These are the intricate and elusive lessons of the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac.

On February 18th, at 6:01am CDT, the Sun shifted from rational, humane, and intellectual Aquarius into the watery depths of transcendental, visionary, and otherworldly Pisces. Pisces marks the last leg of our astrological journey through all twelve signs and is the last of the deep, enigmatic and intuitive water signs.

The rationalism, intellectuality, and detachment of Aquarius are counterbalanced with the imagination, subjectivity, and permeability of exceeding sign, Pisces. Archaic astrology books describe Pisces as a sign of gentility, low vitality, and vacillation. However, every evolved Pisces is often acutely aware of forces that exist alongside our own physical realm. Thus, Pisces is truly of the sign of spiritual strength, inspirational artists, and compassionate leaders. Think Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Michelangelo, or Galileo.

Celebrity posing for paparazziI don’t believe that everyone understands the sign of Pisces. Some say that Pisces is a chameleon, containing various qualities of the preceding eleven signs, yet I never fully bought into this. Sure, Pisces is a mutable sign with impressionable tendencies and an affinity for glamor and theatrics. It’s what often draws them to artistic and creative endeavors. Sometimes there can be selfless and sacrificial tendencies; the martyr, but this never accurately depicted a sign that hosts several famous artists, leaders, and inspirational people. After all, it’s not uncommon for Piscean people to be born with planets placed in adjacent signs and Pisces is placed next to Aries, the zodiac’s fiery and independent initiator. The keywords for Pisces are “I Believe”, and they provide insight into the motivations of this complex sign.

“A deeper significance lies in the fact that the fish is a creature of the ocean, which since ancient times has been taken as the symbolic realm of emotional and spiritual energy that lies beneath physical existence, where all is connected and nothing moves without creating a tide of motion that pulls or pushes against another. The sea as the magna mater, the primary source, signifies the boundless essence of soulful creativity and elemental life force from which everything emerges and eventually returns. Fishes, as intrinsic parts of this fertile yet deeply mysterious realm, were regarded as sacred representations of the soul and the spiritual connection that animates society.” [1]

The Pisces Myth – Fluidity and Escapism

diver hovering in mid water observing a school of fishThe Pisces Myth is a simple one. In Greek myth, a monster named Typhon threatens Mount Olympus, Aphrodite and her son Eros were led to safety by two fish.  The fish were later placed in the heavens as the constellation of Pisces. This story contains one key element, which alludes to the nature of Pisces, escapism. Whether it’s through their dreams or imagination, their art, meditation, or more destructive practices like drugs or alcohol, you’ll find Pisces exercising an outlet in which they can release their psychic energy.

The ‘boundless ocean’ represents a very open and fluid environment where instincts reign. Changeable and unpredictable, it lacks structure, control and conformity. So too the Piscean finds it hard to cope with discipline, routine and order. Their emotional capacity gives a strong imagination that often finds expression through escapist tendencies or dreamy, hopeful visions. Capable of great inspiration and idealism, they are often accused of lacking realism and being too trusting in the conviction that the power of belief, hope, or love can transcend all bounds and borders. [1]

Pisces, Jupiter, and Neptune– Faith and the Subconscious

Woman meditating in calm lakeThe symbol of the fish is widely recognized for its association with spiritual principles, which are further emphasized through the twelfth sign’s planetary rulers. The planet, Jupiter has traditional ownership over the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. Naturally, both signs often possess a much broader outlook on life and are interested in its meaning. Jupiter provides expansive, moralistic, and idealistic energy but can lead one to lack focus and practicality when obtaining goals.

“…Jupiter struggles to find conscious direction in Pisces, where the emphasis falls upon faith over reason, and freedom of the soul through denial of earthly shackles. Unless a proclivity for self-imposed structure and regulation are suggested by more earthy qualities in the chart, Pisces often wastes its potential by failing to give lasting definition to its latent creativity. It will ‘go with the flow’ and when interest or energy levels drop, so too does application. Pisceans are great starters of projects and initiators of ideas, but they lack the sustained energy that is required to fulfill many of their long term objectives.” [1]

Detail of Neptune Fountain by Bartolomeo Ammannati and Giambologna

Neptune is known as the modern ruler of Pisces and is rightfully so. The mythical god of the sea represents the vast depths of unconditional love, romance, and selflessness that Pisces represents. Neptune is often prominently placed in the charts of my favorite musicians; they truly have the gift to inspire. However, the element of water is highly receptive by environments, and moods. Neptune’s presence is known to erode boundaries in order to provide a greater sense of the collective, the sense that we are all connected.

“…Lacking the hardened shell of Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces has least resistance amongst the water-signs to surrounding impressions, making them almost as responsive to excitement, fear, anticipation, joy, hurt and laughter originated from without as that generated from within. If they see tears they will cry, if they see a smile they will smile back; no other sign is so prone to the infectious nature of human emotion.” [1]

Therefore, it’s often important for your average Pisces to work on establishing boundaries between themselves and chaotic environments or toxic people. Prolonged exposure to negative energy has been known to drive many-a-Piscean into the arms of harmful habits such as drugs and alcohol. Hence, the disillusioned, irrational, and passive escapist that are the lower vibrations of Pisces.

 “Neptune’s principle is dissolution into collectiveness. Although often marvelled as a planet of great spiritual mysticism, mundane astrology accepts that part of its influence is to weaken vital force and strive towards communism, where all are equalled, segregations and barriers are broken down and no one shines brighter than the rest. Neptune can bring depression and Pisceans are known for having low vitality which makes them easy prey to lethargy…” [1]

Pisces and House XII – Material Loss to Spiritual Gain

Looking up at a figure 'supporting' a huge rockThe twelfth and final house of the zodiac is the one that is often least understood. It’s often a space of dissolution, where we are forced to place our egos aside and take a much deeper look inside. It can be a dark night of the soul or our fortress of solitude. The twelfth is the house of karma, self-undoing, hidden enemies, prisons, hospitals, institutions, and monasteries. It can represent a veil of deception or a romantic and transcendental union of soul mates. Planets in this house can also often allude to our own hidden potentials, which we may only be able to recover in a state of reflection and isolation. 

“Draped in the gauzy veils of Neptune and Pisces, the 12th has become an inner dream factory, residence of the collective unconscious, wellspring of symbols and archetypes, favorite haunt of the imagination. It is a house of intuition, compassion and spiritual transcendence. You’re advised to serve here, so that you don’t have to suffer.” [4] 

I experienced a progression of my Sun and Moon through my twelfth house for about two and half years. During this time, I experienced an array of situations, which forced me to relinquish physical control over events in my life to the universe. I dealt with hospitals frequently as I became the primary caretaker of my mother during her battle with brain cancer. I began to enjoy drinking alcohol for the first time, though not too excessively. Towards the end, I really felt confused, like I had lost my sense of personal effectiveness despite my best efforts to establish new opportunities. I believe that the truth of this period was for me to set my ego aside and connect with a greater sense of the universe, and my life. I could either see my experiences as a horrible attempt at victimization, or I could accept what was happening and use it as fuel to transform and propel me. Sure enough, as my progressed moon exited my twelfth house and conducted my first, my life exploded with unfathomable opportunities. My power had returned!

“According to Fernandez, people who have positions of influence or fame will more often have an emphasized 12th house than a strong 10th. Since the 12th house rules both the collective unconscious and the masses, planets here indicate the potential to tune in to what’s popular and have an effect on a wide audience. They may also bear the burden of mass projection, sacrificing the personal life to become a product or symbol…” [4]

Woman holding an orb

During another time as the transiting Sun moved across my twelfth house, I began to doubt pursuing my college major. It was a time of great confusion. However, I took action on my faith that switching would be more beneficial in the long run and I couldn’t have been more right! I’ve received heaps of internship offers and have indeed appeared before the face of the public on many occasions.

Naturally, many great spiritual leaders have been born under the sign of Pisces and with planets in the twelfth house. Consequently, many who have taken their beliefs to an extreme in order to justify hurting others have also. Survive the twelfth house test and uncover your hidden strengths. It’s in the twelfth that people often find themselves in situations outside of their sphere of control and naturally appeal to a higher power. The twelfth is where we can gain a new perspective on the universe and its enormity.

“As a child Paul wasn’t allowed to drift and dream or float in Neptune’s sea; that was the early deprivation of this planet. As a young man Paul served in the military and later went to school for a business career. But in the past ten years I’ve watched him steadily withdraw from worldly concerns to submerge in the Neptunian world of his art. For the past two years he has been so deep in Neptune that he disappears for months at a time. Yet whenever I see him, he is intensely alive. More than anyone I know, Paul lives an artist’s life, completely on artist’s time. He will spend hours catching just the right light for a photograph. He will go days without sleep, living with the characters in his novel as though they were roommates. His 12th house Neptune has become the center of his life. It is the sunken treasure he has been working his whole life to retrieve. It is something truly divine.” [4] 

Pisces vs. Virgo – Formlessness Vs. Form

Pisces and Virgo represent the axis of devotion. These are two signs that derive pleasure from being of service to others.  As an earth sign, Virgo is often concerned with efficiency, detail, and conciseness. Pisces is known for it’s much broader outlook and unconditional acceptance. Virgo and Pisces represent form and formlessness. Both signs are known for their self-contained nature. While Virgo is typically analyzing the material realm and questing for wholeness on earth, Pisces’s mind is alive and rich with imagination. The sign of the fish represents the classic daydreamer.

Artists in studioVirgo and the sixth house represent our daily routines, habits, work, and professional skillset. If we identify too much with the sixth, then we will need the influence of the twelfth to help balance ourselves. This is a classic example of burnout, where stress and pressure in our daily lives might lead us into a sabbatical, or even the hospital. In contrast, if we are deeply rooted in the twelfth, we may fail to cope with the reality of daily life and never truly realize our hidden gifts.

“When you see thirty different things, how can you explain one?  Especially when the chances are that the other person can’t even comprehend what it’s like to see thirty?  And ambivalent emotion – well, that’s equally difficult.  How to explain when you love and hate someone, when they’re ugly and beautiful, when everything shifts and changes, and takes new shape faster than you can say chameleon?  For all these reasons and more, Pisces is an elusive partner.  You take the feelings as they come, and let them go as they go.  Attempting to define and freeze them into structures is a futile exercise.” [3]

Mars in Pisces – Tidal Waves

USA, Oregon, Bandon Beach, Evacuation route signMy response to adversity when I was a bit younger was to shut down. I often felt overwhelmed and dealt with my problems by sleeping them off. I loved sleep because I didn’t have to think. That was my Piscean method of escapism. Sleep, and even video games for a long while. Two of my closest friends are born within ten days from me and we all have Mars in the sign of Pisces. Traditional astrology explains that the active, assertive energy of Mars is doused a bit in Pisces and I can say that there is truth in this, yet the explanation is not so simple.

I do feel that I require more rest than average and my energy level is sometimes equivalent to how I am feeling. By having a few planets and points placed in water signs in my chart, there are parts of me that ebb and flow and I certainly feel myself connected to the emotional undercurrents that exist within people and environments.  There are parts of me that can very easily sacrifice what I want in order to gain in another area, and that is the mystical strategy that Pisces possess.

Moscow Poet“In this last of the zodiacal signs is represented all of man’s helplessness, his longings, his dreams, his needs, his powerlessness in the face of the universe, his delusions of grandeur, his longing for love, his sense of a mystery or a divine source which he strives for, yet cannot wholly reach without great sacrifice.”   [2]

I was more shy and somewhat of a pacifist in my earlier days. Even today, I look at the bigger picture and don’t even waste my energy if I see no valid reason to mobilize my defenses. I used to think that my reaction to traumatic events was strange. I’m not really a crier or a screamer initially, but almost instantaneously enter a state of acceptance. Sometimes if I’m not careful, I can lose my sense of time and space when involved in something that stirs my passions.

“…But perhaps the task of every Piscean is to come to terms in some way with the transpersonal realm, and to have the courage to be its mouthpiece…”  [2]

Mars in Pisces is far from an inanimate, watery puddle. When emotionally invested in a cause like art, music, poetry, a strong belief, a creative vision or a fight for the underdog, Mars in this water sign has tidal-like force. Here, the inspirational and compassionate qualities of the final sign of the zodiac can be clearly seen.

Famous Pisceans via CafeAstrology

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Pisces), Drew Barrymore (Sun and Venus in Pisces), Kurt Cobain (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Pisces), Smashing Pumpkins’ Billy Corgan, Cindy Crawford, Billy Crystal (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Pisces), Albert Einstein, George Harrison, Kato Kaelin (Sun and Moon in Pisces), Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze Jr., Michelangelo, Aidan Quinn (Sun and Moon in Pisces), Rob Reiner (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Pisces), Dr. Seuss, Sharon Stone, Elizabeth Taylor (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Pisces), Bruce Willis

Dave Elkins was born on February 26, 1982 under the mutable water sign of Pisces.


  1. Pisces the Fish
  2. The Pisces Myth
  3. Pisces
  4. The Twelfth House

Aquarius ♒ Ingress – Impactful Innovation

Scientist Looking at DNA Model“He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator.”

— Francis Bacon (Sun ☉and Mercury ☿ in Aquarius ♒)

The U.S. has recently been buzzing with the second inauguration of President Barack Obama. As president, it’s only natural that not everyone approves of his methods. Yet, The 44th president of the U.S. is undoubtedly progressive. Rewinding further, the futuristic and humanitarian ideals of Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln come to mind. Can you see the repeating themes? Obama is a Leo with his ascendant in Aquarius, while Lincoln and Edison were both born with their Suns placed in the sign of the Waterbearer.

Our Sun made the shift from structured and reserved Capricorn to airy and innovative Aquarius on January 19th, at 3:51 CDT. As the last of the intellectual and idealistic air signs, Aquarius is characterized by the keywords, “I Know”. Oftentimes, you can distinguish an Aquarian by their pride of knowledge, individualistic streak and their progressive ideals.

As I’ve always said and many astrologers know, adjacent signs help to counterbalance the excesses of one another. Earthy and realistic Capricorn is often linked with longevity, tangible results and tradition. Eccentric, individualistic and intellectual Aquarius is where existing structures begin to resonate with the call to innovation. If Capricorn is where we establish boundaries in which to rule the world, Aquarius is where we aspire to change it.

“The Aquarian spirit is often characterised by progressive thinking because of their ability to lie comfortably at odds with the norm. On a baser level however, it can lead to a stubborn and rigid maintenance of personal opinion that resists the benefits of learning from others. As a fixed sign, Aquarius offers stability and resistance, but problems can arise wherever wilfulness overrides the basic instinct towards humanitarian service, leading to inflexibility and repression of the spirit. When rightfully employed as a vehicle for free-flowing thought, the principle of fixity applied to air can result in marked powers of concentration and application, and an uncompromising response to mental challenge” [1].

Aquarius Myths – Prometheus and Ganymede

PrometheusThe myth of Prometheus helps to further illuminate the essence of the zodiac’s 11th sign. In Greek mythology, you might know that daring Prometheus stole fire from the gods and returned it to humanity. Unfortunately, Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock for his defiance and sent an eagle to devour his liver each day after it regenerated by night.

The noble impulse is the brightest face of the sign – a selfless impulse, from which Prometheus can expect no personal gain.  His gift was given because he saw the potential of the as yet undeveloped human race, and because he felt it unfair that their own potential divinity should be withheld from them.  His payment is also important to the psychology of the sign, for it implies that the gift of fire – whether we interpret it as knowledge, creative power, recognition of godhood – costs dear” [1].

Another myth surrounding Aquarius surrounds Ganymede. In the form of an eagle, Zeus abducted Ganymede while he was tending sheep and made him an immortal cup-bearer of the gods. The position of cup-bearer alludes to the altruistic qualities that many Waterbearers possess. The story goes that when Ganymede had finally had enough, he emptied out all of the beverages of the gods that caused rain for days and a great flood. Later, Zeus recognized the hardship he had caused young Ganymede and put his likeness in the sky as the constellation of Aquarius.

Aquarius ♑, Saturn ♄, Uranus ♅ and House XI – Stability and Innovation

Woman lying on bed looking away contemplativelyWhile Aquarius is often associated with eccentric and rebellious energy, the sign shares a few commonalities with Capricorn in that both signs can tend towards rigidity and reservation in some areas. The 10th and 11th zodiac signs are known for their detached and scientific natures, which has a lot to do with the fact that Saturn traditionally ruled these two signs when it was known as the end of the solar system. The reserved nature of Aquarius and Capricorn are oftentimes most apparent when it comes to the realm of emotions. Many astrology books speak of the infamous Aquarian detachment. Some say that the moon (indicative of one’s emotions) placed in Aquarius or Capricorn makes expressing and connecting with one’s own emotional nature more difficult than other placements. The fact is that Aquarians are far from unfeeling.  From what I’ve seen they can sometimes identify so strongly with logic and reason and their sense of the world at large that they might become a bit impersonal.

“Saturn’s traditional rulership of Aquarius further colours this sign with the qualities of detachment, objectivity and restraint. In astrological philosophy, the Sun and Saturn are conceived as enemies, neither able to express itself fully within the other’s sign of dignity. The Sun craves attention and when the planetary energies are drawn though the Sun it centres them firmly upon the self. Hence the Sun is said to be ‘in detriment’ in Aquarius, where the personal ego is subjugated in favour of egalitarian concepts and far-ranging humanitarian concerns. The Aquarian perspective is drawn from a broad angle, and places the vision of the wider perspective above that which it sees from a position of self interest. The spirit of Aquarius is to look beyond the immediate and self-centred, to nurture the interests of progress for collective society and humanity as a whole” [1].

Light bulb with currentModern astrology associates Aquarius with the planet, Uranus. After it’s discovery, Uranus became a symbol for things such as freedom, progressiveness, originality, innovation, eccentricity, technology, and enlightenment. The introduction of Uranus to Aquarius brought the idea of the rebel. Where we find Uranus in the birth chart is often where we might find something shocking or unconventional which suddenly appears. You might experience an electrical surge of creative energy as Uranus contacts Venus in your chart, like I did last year, or meet a new and unusual person out of the blue.

“But sure as Uranus was cut down by Saturn, so must our lofty ideals inevitably fall to Saturn’s limits. That’s how it ended for Prometheus too. He was punished and bound to a rock as birds pecked his liver. The rock is Saturn, the hard reality of this house. Here is the establishment—the group that disapproves. Uranus may inspire us to breakthroughs, but Saturn resists change or co-opts it. The tension between these two planets suggests our experience in this house will have its ups and downs. At times our progressive and unorthodox inclinations will find the utopia of likeminded community that Rudhyar celebrated. Other times we’ll be the oddball surrounded by a forbidding Saturn crowd” [3].

This message asserts the fact that the evolved Aquarian balances the forces of both Saturn and Uranus to improve upon existing structures with respect for truth and tradition. In this way, you could say that Aquarius is just as fixed in his nature as the other three fixed signs despite being of the intangible air element.

“…Fixed signs aren’t adaptable; they don’t adjust easily to other people.  They have their own world, their own values.  They don’t like being pushed.  That reforming instinct in Aquarius simply doesn’t apply when you try to reform him.  You’ve got to have a good deal of your own detachment, and some source of creative life of your own, if you want to make a relationship work with an Aquarian” [2].

Aquarius and House XI – Hopes, Friends, Wishes

Friends outside cafe looking down at smart phone.House XI in a natal chart represents the ideals of Aquarius. The simplistic interpretation is that House XI is the house of friends (How I value my Aquarian friends!), hopes, and wishes. It was astrologer Dane Rudhyr that believed ‘Banding together with friends, with companions fired by a similar yearning for vision and creative social or religious change,’ Was more vital than good fortune. Traditionally, it was considered a very fortunate house to have planets in. Yet, this house represents so much more to me as I was born with Sun and Mercury placed there. For me, the 11th house represents my desire to be a part of positive change in the world. I would never be fulfilled standing idly in a daily routine that keeps me disconnected from the world at large.

Patriotic Woman Holding "Vote" Placard“When planets transit or progress through the 11th, people often feel the urge to take their interests, gifts or skills into a larger world. Whatever sandbox they’ve been playing in is no longer big enough. They need to see a new reflection of themselves. With 11th house transits, we grow bold enough to enter a new field or widen the circle we’re already in. Something may happen to us that radically shifts our priorities. We may indeed meet fortunate allies and benefactors. Or we may encounter resistance—especially from the group we might be leaving behind” [3].

In addition, House XI represents politics, groups, and organizations that allow us to connect with like-minded souls. For these reasons, it is so important for Aquarians to connect with a cause they believe in in order to evolve. At heart, they are often brilliant social idealists.

“We’re told that the 11th symbolizes the social codes that bind a society and the revolutionary zeal that breaks it apart. It rules both astrologers and the legislators who would outlaw them. It describes what we have in common and what makes us different. It’s a future-oriented house, but its social web is often sticky with the past” [3].

Aquarius  vs. Leo  – Eros & Agape

Children holding hands and walking in a fieldMy favorite description of the Aquarius-Leo polarity comes from when astrologer Elsa P. explains that Leo is Eros or romantic love and Aquarius is Agape or selfless love. I wrote a paper about these Greek stages of Love as a freshman in college and I think that these associations beautifully describe the nature of these opposite signs. Leo often thrives on romance and personal creativity/expression. Aquarius represents the transformation of the personal into the impersonal in order to benefit the world at large. Aquarius provides the sense that we are all in this life together, which is fitting for the sign of the humanitarian.

“And what about the individual Aquarian?  Well, typically, he encompasses these two extremes – genuine love and concern for the welfare of the group, and personal intellectual bigotry.  His ideals and his true sense of democracy are immediately noticeable.  Even the non-political Aquarian who lives an ordinary life and doesn’t concern himself with movements, will often be found defending the underdog in his business.  His ideals often make Aquarius stand out by a head above the crowd.  He thinks about other people, about their needs and potential.  Or maybe we should say he truly thinks – a rare commodity in an age of slogans and opinions”  [2].

Sun☉ Mercury in House XI – Innate Eccentricity

Young man with mohawkI’m a Taurus, and I’ve strangely always felt very Aquarian my whole life. It’s a perfect example of why a whole natal chart is best taken into context for an accurate picture. The placement of my Taurus Sun-Mercury conjunction in progressive House XI and north node in Aquarius probably has a lot to do with that. I deeply connect with intellectuals. My field of study is digital technology. I feel very strongly about being socially responsible and involving myself in social issues. I want to change the world. However, it’s often important for people with strong Aquarius to tether their social ideals and hopes with realistic expectations.

The tendency towards ‘detachment’ runs like a thread through many of this sign’s notable characteristics. On the one hand it gives a remarkable capacity for self-recognition and a crystal-clear reception of universal intelligence. At a spiritual level, it allows pure vision and penetrating perception. On the other, such self-reliant understanding inclines the Aquarian away from the impressions of others, often making them often appear to be a little ‘different’ and apart from their community” [1].

I’ve always felt different than other people, even weirder. Yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way! The ideals of astrological Uranus are reflective of my personal brand. I am a bit eccentric and I am drawn to that trait in others. Sometimes 11th house people have deeply rooted themes surrounding their early experiences within group settings. In extreme cases, it could even relate to social rejection. I never really viewed myself as a social outcast but I did always feel a little detached from the warm, sociable ocean. It was like I witnessed my early life, but I never fully engaged myself socially as much as I would have liked too for a number of reasons. It’s not even that I really craved a sense of acceptance or intimacy that no one would give to me. It was just how I felt. In contrast, it is imperative for me to maintain a certain sense of freedom and I deeply value my friendships. I truly do strive to be an exceptional friend.

“So Aquarius, man or woman, can be a wonderful friend in all the senses of the word.  He is loyal and honourable, and is capable of much self-sacrifice; he cares about other people, and so long as you don’t expect him to participate in your emotional scenes, he’s a wonderful listener and a careful, objective advisor.  No friend could be more friendly or tolerant, or understanding.  In marriage or a love relationship, this quality of detached and undemanding friendship is often a true blessing.  It means you can have your own ideas, think your own thoughts, discuss things, have companionship and camaraderie without the clutter of an expectation of roles, or a lot of emotional possessiveness.”  [2]

Later on as I learned of astrology I began to understand the fulfillment that I derived from belonging to a group of individuals upholding the same ideals, whether I was at track meets with team members, getting together with co-workers, or connecting with other astrologers.

Famous Aquarians ♒ via CafeAstrology

Richard Dean Anderson (Sun and Venus in Aquarius), Jennifer Aniston (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius), Nick Carter (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius), Geena Davis, Ellen DeGeneres (Sun and Venus in Aquarius), Matt Dillon (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Aquarius), Paris Hilton (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Jack Nicklaus, Tom Selleck, Jerry Springer (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius), Rob Thomas (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Aquarius), Justin Timberlake (Sun and Mars in Aquarius), Vanna White (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Oprah Winfrey (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius), Virginia Woolf (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius)

David Bazan was born on January 22, 1976 under the fixed Air sign of Aquarius ♒.


  1. Aquarius the Waterbearer
  2. Aquarius
  3. The 11th House


Capricorn ♑ Ingress – Material Mastery


“…If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you…”

– Rudyard Kipling Sun in Capricorn

With just 10 days left of 2012, I am naturally reflective upon my phenomenal experiences this year. I scored two amazing paid internships, an all expense paid trip to Chicago, and ended up on a University of Houston billboard campaign! Believe me, things were not always this way, just as recently as 2011, but I’m proud to know that I’ve kept every single one of my resolutions this year through perseverance and tough but consistent work. What can I say? I was born with 6 of the 10 planets placed in earth signs into a lifetime of transformational experiences that now seem to be working to forcefully propel me towards my goals. Oftentimes our natal charts possess a semblance of whom we might grow into as we age, and what a wise and phenomenal individual the evolved Capricorn often is.

The winter solstice began yesterday, at 5:12 CDT which begins the yearly period of when the Sun enters the pragmatic, resourceful, disciplined, and ambitious sign of Capricorn ♑. Goals are the ultimate theme for the sign of the sea goat and as you might have guessed, it is one of my favorite signs as it vibes well with the abundance of planets in earth and water signs in my chart.

Previous sign, Sagittarius, and ruling planet Jupiter are associated with expansion and optimism. Capricorn is where we become a bit more realistic, maybe even a bit pessimistic. Yet, imagine the power that this fantastically grounded outlook upon might have! The sea goat is the last of the realistic and enduring earth signs, which also include Taurus ♉ and Virgo ♍. Depicted by the keywords “I Use”, Capricorns are often driven by a desire to be useful and productive while excelling in the realms of career, management and organization.

All of the cardinal signs [Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn] indicate seats of power and in a creature with the forelimbs of a goat attached to the tail of a fish, the abyss of the ocean is combined with mountainous terrain. This represents a ‘cross of matter’ between the psyche and its manifestation in the material, drawing the soul out of its collective stupor to confront the challenges of reality and individualism. The ocean, besides symbolising primordial roots, relates to instinctive wisdom, secrets, and knowledge that lies buried within the depths of consciousness. Capricorn, bearing only the tail of an aquatic creature, keeps a head that is free from impressionable thought – at a rational level Capricorns are affected only by what they can define through logic and reasoned assessment, but unconsciously, spiritually and emotionally they draw from the deep” [1].

Capricornus ♑ – The Sea Goat

Mountain Goat in ZooThere’s something about winter that tends to makes me a bit bluesy each year, albeit the most inspired. By now, many of us have encountered shortened days, the loss of daylight, and the biting chill of the upcoming winter season. The Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year. Sometimes, this frigid season can reflect our own state of isolation and loneliness. For some, winter can even be a bit melancholic. Nature’s beauty becomes seemingly barren and sparse as some animals begin to withdraw into their dens and hibernate. These events are indicative of the naturally introverted and self-contained nature of Capricorn. Some astrology books will tell you of the infamous loner of the zodiac. While it is often true that Capricorns are known for their reserved nature just as winter begins a phase of conservation, almost no one remains more committed when entering into a relationship. As a sensual earth sign, Capricorn is certainly no less sexual and beneath it’s cool exterior lies the great depth and warmth of a winter den.

The Capricorn temperament often tends towards seriousness and conservatism. However, looking to just that one factor would omit the lighter, often sarcastic and deadpan sense of humor that many Cappys possess. In my eyes, winter is a period of tremendous beauty as well. Yes, the trees begin to loose their vibrant appearance but as the New Year approaches we often recollect our experiences of the past year and set goals for our future. This is the magic of Capricorn. We become more organized so that we can maneuver the liveliness of the ensuing spring with a greater sense of ease.

Saturn ♄ – The Celestial Taskmaster

A stopwatch lying on top of a sports shoe, close-upSaturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn provides further understanding of this enigmatic sign. Traditional astrology deemed Saturn as The Greater Malefic due to its association with obstacles, limitation, and hardship. I’m not going to lie, Saturn can suck hard because it is equivalent to the hardest and most realistic lessons that we face in our lives. Not everyone navigates the blocks of Saturn with gracefulness, but when we truly embody its lessons the result is formidable mastery and power. If you really pay attention to your hardships, Saturn can also be your greatest ally.

The rigid, steely, and sometimes melancholy structure associated with Saturn is synonymous with the feelings that the winter season sometimes inspires in people. The 10th sign of the zodiac is associated with the bones, biological elements that remain long after the rest of one’s physical body. Some astrology books speak of the notion that Capricorns age well, reaching their prime as they become older and often have attractive bone structure.

 “Saturn is a planet of realism with a controlled release of energy which does mark the Capricorn as apparently lacking in creative sparkle and exuberant vivacity. As the Sun enters the sign associated with mid-winter, its power is low and the solar qualities of light, warmth, enthusiasm and brilliance struggle to emerge in recognisable ego traits and personality features. Yet the qualities exist, submerged deep within the character. The fire that animates the Capricorn’s spirits is gestating and self-contained, but not to be taken lightly” [1]

The serious, calculating and sobering influence of Saturn in a natal chart is often found in the charts of great businessmen or those that work in the field medicine. There is also the notion that Capricorns often possess a sense of maturity even at a young age. One of my very close friends throughout middle school was a Capricorn. Even in 6th grade, he always intensely spoke of his future and the things he needed to accomplish. Hayley Williams, vocalist of Paramore, was signed at just 16 years of age.

 “You often see Capricorn’s entering a kind of voluntary bondage in the early part of life, as though they actually wanted to experience this term of frustration.  It might be taking care of ill or ageing parents, or working at a job they dislike intensely, or embroiling themselves in a restrictive marriage.  Whatever the nature is of the restriction, there is a curious kind of psychological hair shirt which Capricorn dons for a time.  In medieval mysticism, the hair shirt symbolized the individual’s way of purifying himself of his carnal sins in order to prepare him for the experience of God.  Capricorn’s symbolic hair shirt is a kind of perpetual self-punishment or self-imposed labour.  Try to get him to enjoy himself and he’ll give you a thousand excuses why his responsibilities won’t permit it” [3].

Portrait of young US military officers in uniform over gray backgroundI’ve also examined a certain affinity for structure that is held by several of my Capricorn friends. This is indicative of a sign associated with governmental institutions, career, and even the military. Whatever responsibility or belief Capricorn takes on, you’d best believe that they take it very seriously.

A few nights ago, I met a Capricorn friend of a friend. The three of us were huddled around a table in a bar late at night as the conversation turned toward the military. Long story short, the Capricorn confessed that she’d thought about joining the military. There it was again, that fascination with rules and structure! There is something about this long lasting earth sign that relishes structure, responsibility, and being a pretty damn valid source of strength in society. Of course not all Cappy’s are emotionally concealed authoritarians made for the military, but it is a very solid expression of the sign’s energy that I have continually noticed. The influence of Saturn creates hard working, competent and mature individuals with fascinating powers of productivity. A Capricorn without goals and achievement is oftentimes truly unfulfilled! Then, the innate urge  to manage situations and people can spill over into other unwanted areas of life.

“Capricorn’s real place is out on the world’s stage, moving things in the environment – little or small – so that he leaves the place a little more organized than it was when he found it.  His gifts lie in the realm of organization and control, discipline and initiation of changes within already existing structures.  He’s often more of an idealist than you’d expect, in that he may have a vision of how to improve the world, or the small corner of the world he inhabits” [3].

House X – The Natal Summit

Businesswoman smilingIn addition, the 10th house in a natal chart is linked to the sign of Capricorn. Another name for the 10th house is known as the Midheaven. It is the last of the four Angles that I discussed in my blog posts this year that includes the 1st (Ascendant-Aries-Sunrise), 4th (Nadir-Cancer-Midnight), and 7th (Descendant-Libra-Sunset) houses. The Midheaven represents the highest point of a planet and the point of noon. In this house, the Sun is at its highest position and was archaically thought to be at a point of prominence and glory. Despite the older interpretations, it can be said that the 10th house is certainly what an individual makes of it.

“Planets in (or ruling) the natal 10th don’t assure us of anything. They will be prominent, but for what reason, and how widely they’ll be seen, is much less clear. The Moon in the 10th could make you famous. Or notorious. Your face could be on the cover of People magazine. Or the neighbors could discover you sleeping in the hedges as they drive off to work.” [2]

The Midheaven represents themes of career, public reputation, and societal status. As the northern point of the birth chart when a planet is directly overhead, it is often reflective of the potential rise of an individual in society or the public realm. This house also in indicative of how the general public might perceive a person. People with powerhouse planets placed in their Midheaven often find themselves in the limelight at some point whether they like it or not. If you’ve been close to a lot of Capricorns, you may have noticed their fierce protectiveness of their public persona. While they often possess a tremendous sense of ambition and desire for worldly status, these are still very private people.

 Teen rock climbing at Hueco TanksEvery astrological house has its secret anguish. In the 10th house it’s failure, the discovery that we didn’t make good on our dreams. I’ll never forget the chilling confession of one of my high school English teachers, the one with the impressive Jesuit education and the faint smell of alcohol always on his breath. He stared at his folded hands one day and quietly told me that his life was second rate: “I settled for a second rate job, a second rate wife, a second rate home, and second rate kids” [2].

“Even when it’s happening at a deep, unconscious level, Capricorn is planning his ultimate destiny.  He may be a nobody, someone who has to take orders from others, or work at things he detests which offer no challenge to his real capabilities.  But watch him when that term has passed and he’s released from his self-imposed prison.  All the while a powerful determination and ambition have been breeding in him, and an immense strength of will.  It might be a worldly goal of envisions – to run his own business, to make enough money to buy a piece of land, or whatever.  It might be ambition in a creative sense – to develop a formidable skill as a painter, a writer, a musician.  It might be an inner ambition – self-understanding, or something more occult” [3].

Mom holding two year old son at family reunion.Furthermore, the 10th house is linked to the influence of one or both parents. Traditional astrology saw the 10th as the house of the father and the sign of Capricorn in many ways is strongly linked to the paternal archetype. Of course, not all Capricorn women are automatically masculine but the typical ambitious and authoritative qualities can be found within them as well.

“She’s also smart enough to know that you don’t confront power directly; therefore, if she wants something from you, you usually end up thinking that you came up with the idea yourself, and she’s managed to twist you around with such finesse that you’re convinced she’s fragile and helpless and you begin to feel such a hero that your biceps begin to visibly swell.  Ah, poor soul.  No Capricorn is fragile or helpless.  All Capricorn women are born with stainless steel spines” [3].

Also in certain charts, Saturn provides insights into an individual’s relationship with their father as well as other authority figures.The Midheaven is a powerful house, profoundly linked with some of the most common and pressing questions that people face concerning their place in the world. Here is where a person can learn to claim his or her own unique sense of authority in life.

Capricorn  vs. Cancer 

Business man with hands over his faceThe self-contained nature of both Capricorn and Cancer is very evident. However, where Cancer is associated with family life and emotional hearth, Capricorn is linked to one’s public status and professional life. Since the 4th house lies opposite the 10th in a birth chart, it is indicated by midnight and the sign of Cancer which lies opposite of Capricorn. The 4th house or Nadir represents the foundation we establish for ourselves to fall back on in contrast to our endeavors into the public world.

Opposite the 10th is the 4th house, that midnight place which whispers to us in the dark, echoing with old, remembered voices that tell us who we really are. It’s these voices we need to examine and confront on the way to claiming our authority” [2].

Oftentimes, Cancer/Capricorn relationships result in a sort of parent-child dynamic. Being Moon-ruled, Cancer represents maternal, nurturing energy, memories and childhood. As we have visited, Capricorn is generally not comfortable with open displays of emotion and tends to embody the role of the stern and structured father or adulthood. In extreme cases, Capricorn can withdraw from emotionally charged situations while  Cancer can tend to become increasingly emotional.

Saturn , Uranus , Neptune , and Descendant in Capricorn  

Seedling in a dollar bill planterI’ve always strongly identified with the traditional melancholic temperament (I don’t exactly mean this in a depressive sort of way).  My Sun is in Taurus, Moon in Virgo, and Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in Capricorn. These planets form an aspect known as a Grand Trine as I have planets tightly placed in all three earth signs. Although it is not always evident (because people meet jovial Jupiter in my first house upon first impression) I take realistic matters such as responsibility and material security very seriously. With my descendant (point of relationship) in Capricorn, I possess an affinity for people with placements in Capricorn that are often older and more mature.

As the last of the earth signs, Capricorn’s reputation is centered upon it’s preference for caution, material worth, and sustainability. Yet, the sea goat is far from a sign with a one track mind. People often mistakenly view the trio of earth signs as unimaginative, but this would neglect the creative gifts of many of history’s most constructive individuals. While it is sometimes easy for this group of innate realists to become caught in the routines of tangible existence, some of the most transpersonal, spiritual, and universally enlightened people have been born under the signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

“But in his heart he’s a builder, and often a selfless one, building for others with his immense skills and power of will.  It may take you a while to get to know him.  But beneath the often overly conventional garb he’s seen a lot of life, and hopefully a lot of the funnier side of it too.  In kabbalistic thought the symbol of Saturn was equated with understanding – profound, rich wisdom based on real experience rather than theories and philosophies.  It’s worth a little time and effort to be able to tap that vein of gold” [3]

Famous Capricorns via CafeAstrology

Dido Armstrong (Sun in Capricorn), David Bowie (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Capricorn), Nicolas Cage (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Capricorn), Jim Carrey (Sun, Venus, and Mars in Capricorn), Kevin Costner, Marlene Dietrich (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Capricorn), Mel Gibson (Sun and Mercury in Capricorn), James Earl Jones (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Capricorn), Annie Lennox (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Capricorn), Moliere (Sun and Mercury in Capricorn), Michelle Obama (Sun and Mercury in Capricorn), Jimmy Page (Sun and Mercury in Capricorn), Howard Stern (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Capricorn), Tiger Woods (Sun and Mercury in Capricorn), Hayley Williams

Hayley Williams of Paramore was born on December 27 1988 under the Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn ♑


  1. Capricorn The Goatfish
  2. The 10th House
  3. Astrology For Lovers – Capricorn

Sagittarius ♐ Ingress – Make Your Mark

…but a sanguine temper, for ever expecting more good than occurs, does not always pay for its hopes by any proportion of depression. It soon flies over the present failure, and begins to hope again.”

— Jane Austen (Sun ☉ and Mercury ☿ in Sagittarius ♐)

If life didn’t feel heavier than usual for you at some point during the past month, you might be one of the lucky ones! Maybe you walked a tightrope of emotional fullness as the Sun was eclipsed by the Moon in November or felt inhibited in a voracious quest for intimacy as the Sun conjoined Saturn in profound, penetrating and intense Scorpio in early October. At last, our Sun has entered expansive, optimistic, adventurous, and outspoken, Sagittarius at 3:51pm CST on November 21st and luck is a fitting theme for this open minded and goal oriented mutable fire sign characterized by the keywords, “I Seek”. Scorpio represents areas of our life where we are often (un)willingly and painfully transformed while Sagittarius is where we begin to derive deeper meaning and a broader perspective from our rough experiences. Eventually, we develop our own system of personal beliefs.

“In a sentence, at the heart of Sagittarius there lies a great craving to explore and understand life.  Whether orthodox or not, Sagittarius, like Leo, is a deeply religious sign, and the word religious is here used in its original sense:  to reconnect.  This means reconnection with the source, with the roots of life, with some sense of meaning.  Whether you find him traveling as a salesman or an archaeologist, a poet or a scholar, whatever profession or job he lands himself in.  Sagittarius is trying to broaden his scope, to enlarge his consciousness.  Life is a curious and interesting thing to Sagittarius.  It is something to be played with, explored, enjoyed, and peered into.  And ultimately, understood.” [6]

Simplified astrology books depict Sagittarius as an optimistic and lucky sign, yet are all Sagittarians so happy-go-lucky? Mass murderer, James Holmes, who shot several people during The Dark Knight Rises earlier this year inside a Colorado movie theater was born under the sign of the archer. I say this to tether some of the broad generalizations of Sagittarius that widely exist. There are two sides to every coin and each sign has its own higher expression and shadow.

Sagittarius is an intuitive, energetic and inspirational fire sign, but it is also a sign that is strongly connected to one’s mental state and personal philosophy. I’ve observed that when the optimistic, expansive and freedom oriented nature of this sign is confined; it can sometimes result in a type of depression or detachment from reality which is in stark contrast to the typically jovial, tolerant and philosophical perspective of Sagittarians. Nevertheless, I meet the energy of the archer in many of my favorite people and I am most fond of their generally positive, adventurous, excitable and philosophical nature. I’ve had some great trips and conversations about the world at large with them!

Chiron⚷ – The Wounded Healer

The constellation of Sagittarius is tied to the mythological centaurs, creatures which highlight the combination of humane and animalistic forces that symbolize human nature. As a combination of human and animal elements, centaurs allude to Sagittarius’s connection to higher meaning as a means to make sense of these conflicting forces of human nature. In myth, centaurs were generally depicted as combative, volatile, and drunken beings.

“The first and most effective race to use the horse in battle was the Scythians, skilled archers who took full advantage of its speed and height to become a race beheld in terror and awe. It is claimed that when the Greeks first saw the Scythians they believed the horse and rider to be one, giving rise to imaginative and fear-inspired tales of the war-like centaur.” [1]

This unabashed nature of the centaurs is reflective of the unevolved Sagittarian’s infamous propensity for immaturity and bluntness that may be taken as abrasive at times. It’s true that if you encounter such a Sagittarian, you may want to avoid spilling your deepest secrets to them. Of course, not all Sagittarians are combustible blabbermouths! Legend tells of one centaur in particular by the name of Chiron that was known as a valuable philosopher, teacher, and sage. In many ways Chiron embodied a bridge between man and beast, and possessed spectacular knowledge because of this. He was considered a maverick of sorts: not quite human, not quite beast, and not like the other centaurs. The story goes that Chiron was accidently wounded by a poisoned arrow, but because of his immortal nature, he could not die. Chiron’s incurable injury led him to become a great healer despite the fact that he could not heal himself, hence his association as the wounded healer.

“Sagittarius with his intuition and his vision, is often in touch with many mysteries.  He may have a deep sense, often unarticulated, that life is meaningful, that man is divine, that all things have a purpose and reach a lesson and offer growth.  But the distance between his vision of light and the limitations of being human is a vast one.  The reality of tangible, physical life is always imperfect, always in a way poisoned when compared to the vision he sees. In some strange way, this is Sagittarius’ true wound.” [6]

Sagittarius ♐ and Jupiter ♃ – Expansion and Growth

Traditional astrology deemed Jupiter, ruling planet of Sagittarius as The Greater Benefic. Where Saturn, the Greater Malefic is structured, judgmental and serious, Jupiter is expansive, tolerant and jovial. Both planets are indicative of great teachers in different ways. During transits of Jupiter, one may encounter bouts of good fortune, goal setting, or spiritual and mental growth. On the day that Jupiter was exactly conjunct my Sun, I received a phone call about an amazing internship that I completed over the summer! The positive influences of Jupiter are how Sagittarius came to be known as a lucky sign. Personally, I think there are other factors at work instead of luck.

“It’s that remarkable eye for the opportunity, that intuitive nose that can spot a potential or a possibility thirty miles away.  And also the impulsiveness, rashness, boldness, call it what you will, that gives Sagittarius the flaming nerves to try his luck, where other signs will cower in the wings waiting for something more concrete…The more introverted Sagittarian may not be found frequenting a new disco or roller skating rink.  But he’ll usually be miles ahead of everyone else with a new novel, a new philosophy, a new film, a new cultural phenomenon.  The same gifted intuition works here, but in a more interior way.[6]

In contrast, Jupiter is not always purely positive and can result in overinflated goals and opinions, overabundance and irresponsibility. With Jupiter as one’s ruling planet, there can be a tendency to overextend oneself, inclinations toward reckless and spontaneous action, and an interest in overly idealistic pursuits that may not be in accordance with reality.

Some of the mythological depictions of Jupiter help to shed light onto the nature Sagittarius. As king of the gods, Jupiter possessed a mighty temper which is a known quality of the fire signs. However, it’s often true that Sagittarians are quick to forget what fired them up in the first place. Another historical quality of Jupiter lies in his ability to shape shift. I’ve mentioned the myth of Europa in my post about Taurus in which he transformed into a magnificent white bull in order to lure her to him.

“Sagittarius loves to play roles – the more theatrical, the better.  Being caught in the same costume twice is quite horrific for him.  His restless mind is always seeking new ways to approach those goals, new costumes, new poses, new techniques.  Change, travel, constant mental stimulus, exploration of unknown landscapes – tell Sagittarius that there really is a hidden treasure under that mountain and he’ll be as happy as any Taurus with his bank account bursting.  Find a Sagittarian who’s forced to circle the same ground over and over again, perform the same routine in endless monotony, and you have found the most miserable of creatures.”  [6]

Sagittarius ♐ and House IX – Broadened Horizons

Sagittarius is also connected with the exciting and adventurous House IX in a natal chart. It is here that themes of higher education, foreign cultures, long distance travel, and belief systems are illuminated. People born with planets in this house often have an affinity for foreign cultures or might be attracted to people with different cultural backgrounds than themselves. It is also where we derive meaning from life experiences and develop our own personal philosophy. I’ve mentioned before that House VIII is where we are often transformed through crisis and House IX often carries the resulting revelations, just as Scorpio flows into Sagittarius.

 “When the hammer falls, we take out the map and look for a new frontier. There’s nothing like a distant horizon to repair a shattered soul. Whenever we reach a personal limit, after a divorce, a career gone bad, when life doesn’t turn out as we hoped it would, to the 9th house we’ll go. We’ll take a trip. We’ll return to school. We’ll seek advice from a 9th house person—an astrologer, lawyer, or priest. We’ll pray for God’s blessings. As we go through the outer 9th house motions, inwardly we’re reaching, stretching and struggling to acquire a new perspective on our world.” [3]

Sagittarius ♐ Vs. Gemini – Philosophy Vs. Objectivity

The polarity of Sagittarius and Gemini could be likened to the relationship of a student and teacher. I think that these two intellectual signs are a pair of opposites that complement each other more than other pairs. Gemini is a quick-witted and cerebral collector of information while Sagittarius exercises a knack for synthesizing what Gemini collects and providing it with true meaning. Gemini often excels at critical analysis while Sagittarius often has a much larger and more idealistic vision.

“You’ll often find that the Sagittarius man does his traveling and his wandering on a mental level rather than a physical one.  They are often the apparent intellectuals of the zodiac, devouring books, absorbing all forms of knowledge like tasty meals.  But Sagittarius isn’t an intellectual in the sense that Gemini is; he’s not prone to analyzing with a fine-toothed comb all the bits of information that come into his head.  He’s much more intuitive, and more interested in relating fields of knowledge than in dissecting them.  And his mind is speculative – whether it’s about philosophy, literature, the arts, or the stock-market.” [6]

Gemini as also represented by House III which is opposite House IX in a natal chart. House III represents the objective facts and data of the lower mind. Sagittarius in indicative of the higher mind: our own personal truth and vision that evolves from the lower mind.

“We seek truth in the 9th house. But what we get there are beliefs, an entirely different matter. Its opposite, the 3rd house, is built on facts. The 9th is knit with theories and opinions. While its ideals can open up new worlds, they can also shut our borders and lock us into conflict. ” [3]

“Perhaps it’s just this mystery that makes the 9th house so appealing–how your world can change with just an idea, a prayer, or a strange ritual. What is this power we petition here? Why has every civilization made offerings to it? How has this power poured into us as new concepts, moral guidance, art that endures for centuries? Certainly our 9th house beliefs can trap us and draw a curtain on our growth. They also can take us so far beyond ourselves that we conceive ourselves anew. That’s why mankind is so devoted to the 9th, connecting with God, searching for answers, believing in miracles. There is much in this house to ponder. And definitely much to love.” [3]

Jupiter in House I Mars in House IX – The World At Large

For whatever reason, I am an earthy Taurus born into a family nearly full of fire signs. My mother was a Leo, my brother is an Aries, and my father was born under the sign of the archer. Needless to say, I’ve experienced the combustible and ferocious tempers of each one of them! However, I’ve also seen each of them accomplish the most amazing feats and I wouldn’t be here today without the generosity and influences from of each of them.

My father was a textbook Sagittarian. He was tall, passionate about sports, religious and owned his own small claims practice for years which was also attuned to his Mars in Libra. When I was much younger, he would essentially say yes to almost anything I asked for in stark contrast to my mother. In a way, I believe this was the result of the freedom oriented values of his Sagittarian Sun. He had a habit of speaking very intensely and was a bit intimidating when fired up, but his generosity and commitment to helping others was unparalleled. He even married more than once.

Nonetheless, my father always did seem to have an eye on the future so that when he did pass, my brother and I were beneficiaries to his property. Keeping an eye on the future is one of the greatest lessons that I’ve taken from Sagittarius. Setting goals requires a certain level of hope and optimism and helps one to step outside of their current situation, if only for a second, to see things on a much larger scale. Having goals hopefully creates the belief that you will reach them and it invigorates life as opposed to  flailing around in a dull routine with both eyes on what lies before you.

I’ve spent an eventful 22 years of my life in Houston and more and more each day, I long to find a home away from home. I’ve always longed to travel abroad with Jupiter in my 1st house and Mars in Pisces in 9th, but early life never provided the resources to do so. Lately I’ve been intrigued by relocated natal charts and astrocartography maps and after noting the building inner compulsion, I briefly and correctly thought to myself that the ascendant of my next solar return chart must be in Sagittarius. There’s a grand vision of my future that is branded in my mind’s eye and it fuels me to pierce the heart of target that I’ve set for myself. To me, this is what Sagittarius is all about. So this month, ask yourself what kind of goals have you set for your future? Will you hit your mark?

Famous Sagittarians ♐ via CafeAstrology

Some Famous People with Sun in Sagittarius: Christina Aguilera (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius), Tyra Banks, Ludwig van Beethoven (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Sagittarius), Billy Bragg (Sun and Moon in Sagittarius), Benjamin Bratt, Harry Chapin (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius), Dick Clark (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Sagittarius), Emily Dickinson (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius), Walt Disney, Kirk Douglas (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Brendan Frasier (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Katie Holmes (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Sinead O’Connor (Sun and Venus in Sagittarius), Ozzy Osbourne (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Brad Pitt, Britney Spears (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius),  Steven Spielberg (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Ben Stiller (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius), Marisa Tomei (Sun and Moon in Sagittarius), Mark Twain (Sun, Venus, and Mars in Sagittarius).

Damien Rice was born on December 7, 1973 under the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius


  1. Sagittarius The Archer
  2. Star Lore of the Constellation Sagittarius: The Archer
  3. The 9th House
  4. Jupiter
  5. The Sagittarius Myth
  6. Astrology For Lovers – Sagittarius

Scorpio ♏ Ingress – Profundity and Perception

“I have to re-create the universe every morning when I wake up. And kill it in the evening, which is a bit outrageous, but there you go. Heee! Well, maybe not every morning, but maybe twice a year I have to destroy everything.

  — Bjork (Sun , Moon ,  Neptune , and Ascendant in Scorpio )

As the Sun glides towards a sobering conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio, things might seem a bit more serious for some as the realities of our deepest self are called into focus. Unlike preceding sign, Libra, Scorpio is acutely aware that life isn’t always so beautiful. Yet, could this actually be advantageous? The evolved Scorpio has knowledge that having the courage to face and let go of life’s darkest issues is a path to healing and transformation. And those who ignore the call for change? Well, that’s a very different story.

On October 22 at 7:14pm, our Sun transitions from aesthetic, romantic, and diplomatic Libra into transformational, penetrating, and intimate Scorpio. If Libra represents compromise and the initial romantic stages of a relationship, Scorpio is where the relationship deepens through intimacy and shared resources. Sometimes this increase in depth equates to struggles of power or positive and permanent new levels of understanding. Furthermore, realistic Saturn’s recent shift into Scorpio emphasizes the key lessons of the eighth sign of the zodiac: transformation, sexuality, death, rebirth, and power summarized by the keywords of “I Desire”.

Traditional astrology possesses strong words for Scorpio as a fixed water sign, often depicting it as dark, possessive, vengeful, and controlling. Like Cancer, its watery crustacean counterpart, Scorpio is also modeled after a creature with an exoskeleton indicating that the watery emotional nature of those with strong Scorpio energy is oftentimes concealed, yet fully present.

“This means that Scorpio, regardless of his habitual smokescreens – and make no mistake about it, Scorpio has the best smokescreens of any of the signs – is a sign of profound feeling and sensitivity, easily affected by the emotional currents inside him and around him, susceptible to the feelings of others, easily hurt, sympathetic, compassionate, often intensely lonely, and driven by an almost voracious need for relationship.  [1]

However, Scorpio is secretly one of my favorite signs as it holds several of the most difficult yet valuable lessons I’ve learned in my life of all twelve signs. Learn the lessons of Scorpio and you have the courage to transform and heal yourself and others. The truth is that all signs have a dark side. Scorpio is just typically more aware of this within everyone and its ability to see deeply into other people and situations is a unique gift which translates well into the realm of depth psychology, research, and detective work. Therefore, I think that the set of keywords “I Perceive” is most fitting for Scorpio.

“In order to penetrate it must first draw towards it: Scorpio doesn’t walk into your territory, it doesn’t flirt and cajole, it merely let’s its own energy attract, and when penetrating your secrets it does so having lured you to a place where resistance is low. Like Virgo, Scorpio has an analytical gift: it probes the depths, breaks apart, identifies the dross and eliminates the wasteful or insincere.” [1]

Scorpio , Mars , and Pluto , and House VIII – Passion and Power

The most widely referenced myth of Scorpio stems from the inflated ego of Orion, who once bragged that he could hunt and kill every wild beast on earth. Normally Artemis, goddess of hunting, would take a stand against this but was a bit inhibited by her crush on Orion. Therefore, it was Apollo God of the herds who conspired with Gaia to send a giant scorpion after Orion. Different versions of the story state that is was either the scorpion who killed Orion or Artemis who accidentally shot him in the head while aiming for the Scorpion.

In ancient astrology, Mars was the ruler of Scorpio and Aries indicative of the sign’s tremendous drive and determination. Where fiery Aries represents the more extroverted and outwardly combative side of Mars, Scorpio highlights the receptive facets of the water sign associated with strategy and defense.

“It’s worth remembering that, as much as it may seem a contradiction, Scorpios strongest line of attack is always in defence, where their fixidity brings enduring patience and determination, and their natural resilience makes them seem practically impassable. Consider the role of scorpion gods in ancient symbolism and myth; invariably their function is to act as guardians, custodians and protectors; oblivious to external distraction but ferocious in the cruel retribution unleashed on those who break their sentinel.” [2]

The red planet is also known for its sexual nature, representing desire and libido. Similarly, it’s not uncommon to recognize a Scorpio through their highly sexual nature although it is not always apparent. Most people will not initially the grasp the depth and passion that exists within these human beings. Overall, Scorpio is a sign that prefers to appear unassuming, away from the center of attention. However, maintaining a sense of control over life events is certainly a motivating factor for many scorpions. There are many legends about how scorpions, when tightly surrounded by a ring of fire, have been known to sting themselves to death. Astrologer Liz Greene claims to have witnessed a similar scenario.

“Once in the south of France I watched a group of children surround a small brown scorpion with sticks, so that it was completely trapped.  It committed suicide.” The message here is that Scorpio would rather destroy himself, and go down in flames by his own hand – literally or psychologically – than submit to another’s ultimatum or control.  It’s that damnable pride again.  [1]

The more recent discovery of Pluto led to the assignment of Scorpio as its ruler. Pluto is known as the god of the underworld and similarly, transits involving Pluto are concerned with subconscious psychological issues that may be brought into the light from beneath the surface of our psyches. Although in modern astronomy Pluto is known as a dwarf planet, the influence of Pluto in astrology is undeniable with themes such as the transformation, power, destruction, and renewal.

“By house, the position of Pluto shows where individuals search for truths and deeper meaning. This area of life may be associated with change, upheaval, power struggles, and issues of control. Pluto in aspect to other planets in the chart colors those energies with obsessive qualities, power struggles, the need to find deeper meanings, and willingness to explore and examine. Where we find Pluto in the chart is where we either seek change and transformation, or have it thrust upon us if we refuse to accept our deepest needs.” [5]

 Scorpio is also associated with the eighth house in astrology, a division of a natal chart that deals with subconscious psychological themes, crisis, sexuality, death, and shared resources. These issues sound particularly heated and painful, but they serve a crucial function which allows an individual to transform themselves in order to reach a heightened perspective. Therefore, one could say that the ultimate goal of Scorpio is transcendence.

 “If the 7th house describes relationships forged through equality, in the 8th house we suffer (or profit from) relationships based on inequality. When others enter the intimate waters of this house, they get some power over us. Whether it’s the bank, our parents, the IRS, our sexual partners, even a stranger who happens to push our buttons, and let’s not forget the scythe-master Death—through the 8th we become painfully aware of forces beyond our manipulation and control.” [3]

Scorpio Vs. Taurus – Intensity Vs. Tranquility

It’s often said that is polarity that Taurus and Scorpio create is the most intense of all of the signs of the zodiac. As the product to two fixed signs and from personal experience, there seems to be truth in this statement. Students of astrology know all about the tranquil, easygoing, and preserving nature of Taurus. Therefore, it’s no wonder that the themes of Scorpio are well matched in opposition to those of Taurus. A key symbolization of the functions of Scorpio originate from the area of the body that it rules; the groins. Here, processes of attraction, creation, destruction, and regeneration all occur. Taureans are known for exuding a solid, grounded, and stabilizing influence, while Scorpio is known for undergoing periods of deep change and transformation.

Scorpio is the only zodiac sign represented by multiple creatures. In ancient astrology, Scorpio was represented by the serpent, a creature that sheds its skin and was once believed to possess regenerative powers. Next is the phoenix, a powerful creature which represents the crucial Scorpionic themes of death and rebirth. Lastly, the eighth sign has been known to be related to the piercing stare and ability of the Eagle to soar above circumstance.

“Transcendence from the crawling scorpion to the soaring eagle, still predatory, still conveying the essence of patience and penetration, but capable of flight and height, brings together the theme of destruction and renewal as a story of evolution. …All Scorpios feel themselves to be on this spiritual quest of transformation and it should be remembered that their depth of mind is as equally attracted to higher philosophy as it is to depth psychology.” [2]

Saturn in House VIII – Death is a Transference of Energy

From when I was much younger, I have vivid memories of how uncomfortable the prospect of death made me feel. Any talk of life after death would bring me and my Cancerian ascendant to tears. Today, it’s quite the opposite. Three of my immediate family members have passed in the last ten years beginning at the age of twelve and the fact that I remain here on earth, advancing my life is a testament to the reserves of empowerment that I discovered during such trying times. Traditional astrology has some very strong and negative words about my natal placement of Saturn in the eighth house, but as I’ve always said there are no inherently negative placements in my opinion. I like to think that I’ve absorbed the lessons of Saturn in this house well. Some of the astrology books say that individuals born with Saturn in eighth do great in occupations that relate with Scorpionic themes such as death or psychology. As my progessed Sun moves into Gemini, I want to do many things (hence the problem) but I’ve always relished the idea of being a therapist in some way.

Death has been an important theme in my life in so many ways, and the eighth house has served as a reflection of my evolving attitude concerning it. In this way, it also becomes important to think of eighth house decay literally and figuratively is it can oftentimes mean the death of an idea, a process, or an attitude and not just a person. When we let go and allow the things we’ve been holding onto to die, they are then able to transform into something greater that we may have never imagined.

As a Taurus I uphold the typically unusual value that it’s important to reinvent myself, and I owe this belief to the lessons of Scorpio. It’s no secret that Taureans are usually deeply unsettled by change, but with natal Pluto opposite my natal Sun, I almost have no choice but to relent to events that occur outside of my control. There are tremendous reserves of strength and mobilization that await every Taurus who actively face the resistance to change that lies within themselves. I think that what most mattered for me is that I’ve had so many defining events in my life occur outside of the jurisdiction of my control.

Lastly, I want to part ways with this wonderful reference to the nature of Scorpio from Liz Greene. It stems from a reference of Hercules’s battle with the hydra, a creature with nine heads.

“Scorpio is a sign of intense desire; and the hydra’s many heads can mean the many desires of the uncivilized human heart.  Left to grow in the darkness, they can become poisonous, and begin to destroy others.  But they cannot be dealt with by repression.  They must be understood, held up to the light, respected as part of oneself.  And although vanquished, it is a good idea to remember that one immortal head.  For Scorpio, all human beings carry within them the seeds of good and evil.  Evil is not an abstract thing, or somebody else’s fault; it is in everyone.  Human brutality cannot be blamed on society, but ultimately only on oneself.  It is relevant to realize that Freud, the great founder of modern depth psychology, had Scorpio rising.  Therein lies the deepest meaning of Scorpio’s myth:  come to terms with the hydra in yourself, and you redeem the world.”  [6]

Famous Scorpios via CafeAstrology

Ed Asner (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in Scorpio), Lauren Bessette (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Scorpio), Bjork (Sun and Moon in Scorpio), Lisa Bonet (Sun and Mercury in Scorpio), John Cleese (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio), Jamie Lee Curtis, Danny DeVito, Leonardo DiCaprio (Sun, Venus, and Mars in Scorpio), Richard Dreyfuss (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio), Sally Field, Bill Gates, Calista Flockhart, Jodie Foster (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio), Whoopi Goldberg (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Scorpio), John Gotti (organized crime boss – Sun and Mercury in Scorpio), Harry Hamlin (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Scorpio), Ethan Hawke (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio, Shere Hite (who published the Hite Report on Sexuality – Sun, Venus, and Mars in Scorpio),Rock Hudson, Demi Moore (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio), Pablo Picasso, Prince Charles, Puff Daddy (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio), Julia Roberts (Sun and Mercury in Scorpio), Meg Ryan (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio), David Schwimmer (Sun, Moon, and Venus in Scorpio), Nicolette Sheridan, Maria Shriver

Andy Hull of Machester Orchestra was born on November 7, 1986 under the fixed water sign of Scorpio


  1. Astrology for Lovers – Scorpio
  2. Skyscript: Scorpio the Scorpion
  3. The 8th House
  4. Scorpio
  5. Pluto
  6. The Scorpio Myth

Libra ♎ Ingress – Self Reflection

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”

— F. Scott Fitzgerald (Sun ☉, Mercury ☿, and Venus ♀ in Libra ♎)

I’ve officially reached the halfway point of my quest to blog about all twelve signs of the zodiac in accordance to the yearly passage of the Sun along the ecliptic, meaning that we have reached the Autumnal Equinox! Naturally, the Sun entered the cardinal air sign of Libra ♎ on October 22 at 9:49 am simultaneously marking the beginning of Fall 2012.

If the Sun’s passage through all twelve signs represent various facets of personality, The autumnal equinox marks a pivotal shift into temporary equilibrium (as night and day become equal in length) while awareness of others comes into sharp focus. In Virgo, we learn the value of self-sufficiency while Libra introduces the fascinating concept of self-projection; the process of defining ourselves through our relationships with others.

There are a couple of interesting myths surrounding the sign of the scales. The most popular Grecian myth surrounds Astraea, a virgin goddess of justice and law who wielded a sword and scales. Astraea was believed to be one of the last immortals who roamed the earth during the bronze age, determining the fates of men based on their degrees of good and evil with her scales. Eventually, the darkness in the hearts of man became so overwhelming that Astraea fled from earth into the sky as the constellation of Virgo. Her scales remained nearby to form the constellation of Libra.

Another more secondary myth is highlighted by Liz Green in Astrology for Lovers and gives great insight into the dualistic nature of Libra. One day, Tiberias, observes two coupled serpents and asks Hera which of them experiences the greater pleasure. Because Hera cannot answer, she grants him the experience of living part of his life as a woman. In the end, when asked which sex experienced the greater pleasure, Tiberias attempts an act of Libran diplomacy in order to avoid offending either sex. The bold act of Tiberias alludes to the trademark objectivity that Librans often possess as an air sign, allowing them to effectively weigh both sides of an issue. However, coming to a conclusion is a different story!Frederick Woodruff beautifully articulates the nature of Libra in his blog post.

“The symbol of the scales is neither human nor animal. Librans are a Platonic concept made flesh; guardians of ideals, upholders of truth, that engage in the circle of life but are not part of it; they are here to remind the rest of us that we’re more than animals with a neocortex (or worse sub-animals and an embarrassment to the species). We’ve higher callings, like beauty. Like truth. Like eventually learning to think like Librans do.”

Libra , Venus , and House VII – Reflection and Projection

Ancient astrology deemed Venus as the “lesser benefic” describing it as a planet of fortunate influence. However, modern astrology has moved away from the notion of planets with benefic and malefic influences. Personally, I like to think that the position of the planets in a person’s natal chart are not inherently good or bad. Each planet has many different expressions of its energy which people might perceive to be easy or difficult depending on the makeup of the chart and the individual’s level of consciousness.

Astrological Venus represents the process of relationships, pleasure, and our aesthetic tastes; all components that most relate to Libra. Many Librans excel in professions concerning law, strategy, and art. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to encounter cliché charming, attractive, highly artistic Libran individuals who may often identify themselves through the relationships in their lives. After all, we’ve all probably possessed the need to be wanted or approved by others at some point.

“Many Librans are all too eager to live in superficial harmony and can be exasperating in their avoidance of uncomfortable issues. Like the betrayed wife who has good reason to suspect her husband is having an affair but would rather not think about it, or the philandering lover who assures you of total commitment before disappearing off the scene – so long as it looks good”

Furthermore, Libra is linked with the descendant or 7th house in astrology which is the house of relationships. Oftentimes individuals with strong 7th placements strongly identify through their relationships or may continually meet the qualities of a particular planet in that house through others. For example, a woman born with Mars in her 7th house ♂ might find it difficult to assert herself in relationships and consequently attract a quick tempered or domineering partner as a result. Once we begin to understand that positive relationships involve successful awareness and integration of the parts of ourselves that we encounter through others, we are able to take invaluable steps towards self actualization or wholeness. Dana Gerhardt writes the following about the 7th house.

“Left to my own devices, I see nothing Pisces-like in me. I’m Virgo–analytical, organized, efficient. But through my partner’s sundry imperfections, I gain a mirror into the parts of myself I hide. Imagine this: I’ve discovered I can be forgetful, deceitful, and escapist too! Accepting my partner now gets a little easier. What’s more, embracing my darker Pisces side allows the positive one to emerge. I become more relaxed, more present, more at peace. Perhaps my partner, Robert, is my soul mate after all—if by “soul mate” we mean those people who patiently provoke us… into mating with the forgotten fullness of our souls.”

Gerhardt describes the concept of polarities that I always advocate because as Libra knows, it’s important to know each side to every argument. Each pair of opposite signs is deeply connected. Look further and you might find much more common ground than expected. Opposites really do attract, and you can oftentimes identify this trend through one’s 7th house. April Elliot Kent also illuminates the complex issues of “self” and “other” that Aries (1st house) and Libra (7th house) represent.

“Once someone enters our 7th house (whether as spouse, business partner, or mortal foe), they experience a side of us which is often very different from the initial, welcome-mat Ascendant version of our personality. In sifting with us through the rubble of our rejected dreams, impulses, and personality traits, and mirroring us back to ourselves through our own 7th house, our partners are like Peter Pan’s Wendy, sewing Peter’s shadow back on: they “sew” the shadow (7th house) self back onto our personality (Ascendant) and make us whole again.”

Of course there is tons of literature on love and relationships. Is love a projection of our own desires? Are we truly selfish or selfless creatures? The archetypes of opposite signs Libra and Aries shed valuable insight into these questions.

Libra vs. Aries – Harmony and Discord

Popular astrology often depicts Librans as harmonious peace lovers. There are certainly Librans who prefer to keep the peace and strive to avoid conflict, yet this is certainly not always the case. By remembering that Libra is connected to Aries, it becomes much easier to recognize the pioneering, controversial, and argumentative qualities of many famous Librans. Obviously, harmony cannot be constantly perpetuated in a world full of so many disharmonies and Libra is acutely aware of this. Yet, there comes a point when one must state their case!

“…If they hold fast to the deeper spiritual principles of their sign, they will not feel obliged to offer concessions in order to avoid confrontation, but will be happy to take up a position of polarisation, to stand with equal force against whatever they are opposed to. In this sense they become the true ‘equalisers’, the children of the scales who, using the weapons of tact, grace, fairness and reason, are unafraid to meet the challenge of negating oppressive forces. Libra is a cardinal sign, underlain with a strong will that inclines towards initiating changes. Yet of all the cardinal signs Libra is the most underrated force; for their non-intimidating personas can often fool us into thinking that they will give up on their goals far easier than they will.”

One of my astrology teachers is fascinated by the mythology of Eris, one of the more recently discovered dwarf planets named after an ancient goddess of discord and believes that the myth of Eris has strong ties to the sign of Libra. In short, Eris aided in bringing about the Trojan War indirectly by throwing an apple labeled “To the fairest” in the midst of Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena which they battled over. Despite her twisted motivations, Eris actually executed a strategic move which stemmed from ill feelings she possessed from not being invited to a wedding. Here, we can see the strength of Libra’s strategic ability and tendency to stir up conflict indirectly when not aware of their inner self.

“The sooner he climbs down from the ivory tower which is his protection against emotional pain and disillusionment, the sooner he can begin his real work, which is first to marry the conflicting opposites within himself. Whether it’s his intellect and his emotions, his maleness and his femaleness, his spirituality and his materialism, Libra will always find deep conflicts in himself which represent the deep conflicts in life. And as he gradually carves for himself the thin road in the middle, he can truly become the bringer of the Good, the True and the Beautiful – because they no longer exist only in his mind.”

Pluto Conjunct Descendant in Capricorn – Authentic Relationships

Not long ago, I had Pluto cross over my descendant at 2° Capricorn. Plutonian energy is intense, profound, and penetrating while often characterized by themes of transformation, authenticity, destruction, and renewal. Next month, I’ll go into more detail about Pluto (ruler of Scorpio ♏). However by combining the basic meanings of Pluto and the descendant one can imagine that this tends to be a pretty impactful transit in astrology.

Eventually, I went through a crucial and initially painful separation and purging of inauthentic relationships in my life that wasn’t exactly by choice (the nature off Pluto). As I look back on it now, I clearly see how letting go of toxic relationships was immensely beneficial and it led to a greater awareness of the positive and negative Plutonian aspects of my personality that I tend to project onto others. It helped me to better embrace change and to see the benefit of relenting to the necessary transformational impulses that so often simmer inside ourselves.

“Through 7th house people we become more whole. That sounds nice, but it’s often painful in practice, for the 7th isn’t just a dance floor. It’s a razor too, scraping the rough edges off our personalities. This is in the horoscope’s design: our 7th house partners stand opposite our 1st house self. That is why the 7th rules “open enemies” as well as our “true loves.” (And isn’t it unfortunate how many true loves become open enemies in the end.)”

So here’s an interesting little exercise for you to do over the next month, if you please. Examine the close relationships in your lives and ask yourself about the reoccurring qualities that these relationships might have in common? How can you better integrate these qualities into yourself? If you have knowledge of your natal chart, examine your 7th house and its planetary ruler. Chances are you are meeting the unexpressed qualities of yourself in several of your relationships.

“A good rule of thumb is that any individual who provokes us into a strong emotional response, who affects us, has unwittingly invited a shadow dance with our 7th house. Keep your wits. Hold your complaints at arm’s length and study them. Let them send you on a scavenger hunt for those very qualities inside yourself. Of course this spoils the fun of righteous indignation. But it’s worth the effort.”

Famous Librans via CafeAstrology

e.e. Cummings (Sun and Venus in Libra), Matt Damon (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Zac Efron (Sun and Mars in Libra), Eminem (Sun, Venus, and Mars in Libra), Sarah Ferguson (Sun and Mars in Libra), F. Scott Fitzgerald (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Libra), Angela Lansbury (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra), Avril Lavigne, John Lennon (Sun and Mars in Libra), Heather Locklear (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Libra), Emily Post (Authority on etiquette – Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Libra), Kelly Preston (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Christopher Reeve (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Susan Sarandon (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Alicia Silverstone (Sun and Mars in Libra), Bruce Springsteen (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Libra), Jean-Claude Van Damme (Sun and Ascendant in Libra), Kate Winslet (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Libra), Yo Yo Ma (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Libra), Catherine Zeta-Jones (Sun and Mercury in Libra), Mohandas Gandhi, Oscar Wilde

Tina Dico
was born on October 14, 1977 under the cardinal air sign of Libra


  1. The Libra Myth
  2. Skyscript: Libra the Scales
  3. The 7th House
  4. Libra
  5. Gore Vidal: The Best Man

Virgo ♍ Ingress – Inner Marriage

“I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.”

Helen Keller

On August 22, at 12:07pm CDT our Sun  transfers into the methodical, industrious, and mutable earth sign of Virgo (♍) until September 22. The keywords for Virgo are “I Analyze,” indicative of trademark Virgoan themes of intelligence, conscientiousness, and order.

Preceding sign Leo ♌ basks in attention, praise, and fun, while Virgo is responsible, self-contained, modest, and derives satisfaction from being of service to others. Adjacent signs always carry evolving lessons, so a good bit of Virgo can help to humble the mightiest of Lions.

In my experience Virgo is one of the most misunderstood signs, mostly because of its symbol being the Virgin. Trivial astrology will probably tell you all about a sign that is picky, clean, and organized.  While it’s not uncommon to encounter a Virgoan individual with a critical outlook on themselves and others, or practicing purist actions or aforementioned tidiness, the opposite is often true. I think it’s important to look at the origin of the word Virgo in Latin which translates into “self-contained.”

“In astrology, those born under the sign of Virgo are said to behave in an individualistic, self-sufficient manner. Their nurturing comes from a place of not needing others to find fulfillment for them, but being able to create for others because they can already create for themselves.”

The most popular Myth of Virgo surrounds Persephone, the virgin daughter of Demeter (the goddess of grain, agriculture, and fertility) and Zeus (god of the underworld). When Zeus abducted Persephone and carried her to the underworld to be his wife, Demeter became enraged and threatened to starve the inhabitants of the earth with famine. Thankfully, a consensus was reached. Persephone would spend part of the year with Hades and the rest with Demeter. Whenever Persephone left her mother to return to the underworlds, winter began. Hence the myth of the changing seasons. Through this Myth, we can also see the affinity that the signs of Virgo (Persephone) and Scorpio (Hades) have for each other

Virgo, Mercury , and House VI – Work, Health, and Service

A virgin may choose not to behave in sexual activity for a number of reasons, but in the case of Virgo it stems from a desire to achieve a certain image of perfection which ironically may not be typical perfection (it is usually varied and unique for each individual.) In this way, I like to think that Virgos often adhere to their own personal systems often having specific ways to go about routines and habits. It doesn’t always make sense, but it makes sense to them!

In order to find the perfect partner, Virgo cannot merge with just anyone and valuable keys are found through the intellectual, versatile, and reasonable planet of Mercury (☿).

“Clear reason can only emerge when disentangled from the conflicting ties of emotional attachment; yet although it has a just reputation for control over passions, Virgo is not an unsympathetic or insensitive sign.”

We can learn a valuable Virgoan lesson from Mercury, the arts of conscientiousness and healthy discrimination. The simple truth is that we tend to find ourselves in better situations by applying a bit of discrimination to our choices. Some might experience Virgos as ultra critical beings, which they can be at extremes, but looking deeper you might learn that this stems from inclinations towards efficiency, detail, and improvement. At the end of the day, Virgo truly wants to help.

“Virgo forms reliable instinctive impressions through a powerful gut-reaction, (their energy is seated in the gut), aided by their ready ability to analyse complexities and penetrate superficial presentations. The result is a talent for forming good judgment quickly and applying it to practical affairs.”

Virgos are also known to be among the hardest and most efficient workers of the zodiac so it’s no wonder that it is linked to house VI of a natal chart which describes our work life, daily routines, health, and habits. Planets in house VI often call use to set our ego aside and adjust whether it is becoming more efficient with our time, or practicing health consciousness.

“Adults have routines, but children have rituals. Rituals create energy; routines drain it. Rituals invite assistance from the invisible world. They serve a magical protective function—acting as the garlic and sacred cross that keeps the 6th house vampires at bay.”

Another notable trademark of Virgo is body awareness. In many cases, people with Virgoan energy tend to be critical of their bodies or in contrast, very aware of them. To the outsider this might sometimes be observed as hypochondria. However, it is known that Virgo does tend to have a sensitive digestive system so it’s not uncommon to encounter someone following a strict health regimen. I was once listening to an astrology podcast that made the joke that all Virgos like soup. I thought that this was hilarious as the abdomen and digestive system does fall under the rulership of this sign and I have observed a good number of those with Virgoan energy to frequently experience digestion related upsets, especially under stress.

Virgo  vs. Pisces  – Details vs. Diffusion

As the opposite sign of Virgo, Pisces includes valuable lessons of balance and is deeply linked to the qualities of Virgo. Think of the number of people you have seen who have entered into toxic relationships with an ill-matched partner. Chances are that one or both partners have neglected to connect with their inner Virgo. If we do not work to better ourselves, we will attract people into our lives that also do not do the same.

Virgo and Mercury seek order, reality, and structure while Pisces and ruling planet Neptune are diffuse, dreamy, and idealistic. However, it’s important to find a balance between these two signs. At their center, astrologer Claire Martin deems the dynamics between these two signs as the axis of devotion, two signs that often derive pleasure from serving others. You might commonly encounter a Virgo wrapped up in work and reality and not stopping to reorient to the bigger picture, or a Pisces who is so scattered and unable to cope with the intricate details of life.

“Virgo’s who are addicted to work will often encounter a crisis which forces them to take a sabbatical, re-enacting the Persephone myth by experiencing a crisis and retreating to the cool, dark depths of their personal underworld where healing is possible.”

House XII is represented by Pisces and lies opposite of House VI in a natal chart. In House XII, we learn that we must withdraw from our hectic schedules in order to rest and recharge our batteries in solitude. If we work too hard and push ourselves, we may become ill. Virgo and Pisces are here to remind us of that.

“If we identify only with the Virgo end of the axis, then we may become consumed by duty and drudgery, and we will long to escape. But until we can see the whole picture, we will always feel that anything we try to achieve is spoiled or imperfect in the making. On the Pisces side of this axis, we prefer to remain merged, undifferentiated and unformed in order to avoid having to grapple with the details and practicalities of life. In this case we are likely to find ourselves forced to engage with the world in practical ways, something we may bitterly resent.”

Moon in Virgo – Efficiency and Conscientiousness

Virgo is naturally one of my favorite signs probably due to the abundance of water and earth in my chart (Taurus Sun and Cancer Rising). I was born with my Moon ☽ at 16° Virgo. The Moon in Astrology oftentimes represents our perception of our mother. Sure enough, I have countless memories of my mother making me do something over again because it was not done “the right way”. The strange thing is that I always resented it when it occurred, yet I discovered that I was comparably conscientious about things when I began my first job at age 16. I’ve always prided myself on my work ethic and worked in several management positions.

“According to the ancient sources the gifts that she bestows are purity and grace; a charming turn of phrase, diplomacy, a mastery of words; a discriminating intellect and propensity for study; a talent for investigation and analysis; skilful creativity, and a keen appreciation of the mysteries of nature.”

The downside to this is the fact that I can sometimes become lost in the details surrounding my quests to bring order to everything and that can be mentally exhausting sometimes. This is where Virgo also gains it’s reputation for sometimes being scattered or a procrastinator. However, I like to think that my Virgo Moon has granted me with valuable powers of insight and healthy discrimination. I enjoy research and analysis while always looking for the most efficient way to accomplish a task.

Joyce Mason wrote one of the most insightful articles on Virgo that I’ve read, visiting the concept of “Inner Marriage” that I love. Inner marriage denotes that Virgo is married to herself until she is able to provide for herself. With my Moon in this sign, I emphasize self-sufficiency and carefully choose my associates.

“A true Virgo has done the difficult work of self-betterment, aiming for perfection or the best possibility. She chooses carefully to whom and to what she will give herself. She is very self-reliant, merging the mental (left-brain) aspects of traditional Mercury rulership with her feminine (right brain) sign. (It is the same, of course for the male Virgo.

Famous Virgos via CafeAstrology

Billy Ray Cyprus (Sun and Mercury in Virgo), Cameron Diaz (Sun and Mars in Virgo), Gloria Estefan (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Virgo), Richard Gere, Stephen King, D. H. Lawrence (Sun and Mercury in Virgo), Keanu Reeves (Sun and Mercury in Virgo), Charlie Sheen, Beyonce, Sean Connery, Pink, Ludacris, Nick Jonas, Michael Jackson, Shania Twain

Lacey Sturm of Flyleaf was born on September 4, 1981 under the mutable earth sign of Virgo ♍


The Virgo Myth Gods and Monsters
Mapping The Psyche Vol. II Claire Martin
The Sixth House Dana Gerhardt
Wholeness and the Inner Marriage: The Chiron Sector and Relationship Joyce Mason
Virgo the Maiden Skyscript

Leo ♌ Ingress – Create Yourself

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

— George Bernard Shaw
(Sun ☉ in Leo ♌)

The Sun ☉ comes home to its domicile in the loving, exuberant, and expressive fixed fire sign of Leo ♌ at 5:01 am CDT on July 22. As we emerge from the imaginative, watery, and introspective depths of preceding sign Cancer ♋, the sign of the lion helps to bring our revelations derived from introversion and self reflection into the light to be created, seen, and recognized. For this reason, Leo is the sign of self expression and is traditionally described by the keywords, I Will.

The Sun’s transit through Cancer compelled me to quietly sit with myself in self reflection in order to reconnect with my true sense of self.

“The emerging self is given a supportive container through 4th house (Cancer) home and family. When the emotional life is thus nurtured, power gathers. There is energy to create. Or procreate. There is enthusiasm for life. One is vibrant and radiant.”

An abundance of great performers, artists, and actors and musicians are propelled by the creative and self expressive fuel provided by Leonine placements.

The most common mythological story of Leo derives from the twelve labors of Hercules. The first of which was to slay the Nemean Lion, a ferocious creature with claws sharper than swords and impenetrable fur.

“Hercules can only succeed by summoning the entire strength of his being, the full magnitude of his inner will and fixed, determined spirit. His conquest becomes a testimony to the power of mind over matter, the individual’s capacity to move heaven and earth and attain the unattainable through the process of connecting with the heart of one’s being and giving full reign to the creative force that resides, mainly dormant, within.”

Leo, the Sun , and House V – Ego, Creation, and Self Expression

The Sun in astrology primarily represents our ego, vitality, and basic identity. If you weren’t aware already, the Zodiac sign that you have most likely identified with all of your life is determined by the placement of the Sun in your natal chart.

“The Sun is so important in the chart, that the happiest people on this earth are those who identify (without over-identifying) with the Sun’s expression. Though one might think that the traits of their Sun would come easy to them, the truth is, the Sun shows what we are learning to be.”

This brings up a valid point. Proper astrology is not fatalistic or a tool used to stereotype individuals. As someone who has read many charts, it is true that happier people seem much more aligned with the qualities of their Sun. As a Taurus, I have striven to develop a solid sense of self-worth through utilizing my innate talents and abilities and it is true that this has made me incredibly happy.

“The Sun has star quality. It says ‘I am here!’ It needs to express itself dynamically. It wants to feel special. It wants to love and be loved.”

For Leo, creativity and self expression are key. The Sun is the center of our galaxy, infusing our planet with life-sustaining energy and archaically reached the height of its ascent in the constellation of Leo. In this way, many Leo’s possess the ability to bring life and animation to situations they come into contact with. Therefore, I want to propose an alternate set of keywords for Leo, “I Create“.

As a fire sign, Leo has great ability to inspire. However, the negative expressions of Leonine energy can result in dramatic, dogmatic, attention seeking, or egotistical ways.

Leo is also linked with House V in a natal chart, the house of ‘joy and spontaneous self-expression, risk-taking, creativity, children, and love.’  The bold of loving nature of the sign associates it with the heart, spine, and blood. It’s no wonder that this is one of the most loyal signs with one of the largest hearts, oftentimes known by their romantic, or fun-loving natures while many often have an affinity for children.

“There is usually no shortage of romantic candidates drawn to their vibrant and charismatic appeal and young love can be intensely passionate. Like all the fire signs, Leos are idealistic and don’t hold back from expressing their passion. They are extremely responsive to romantic attention, which is very gratifying to their ever-hungry ego, and as such they can suffer from rash romantic liaisons that are impetuous and unsuitable on a long term basis.”

Leo vs. Aquarius – Personal Vs. Collective Empowerment

Limitations are not something that Leo’s easily deal with in general. Yet, restrictions can serve a very valuable lesson to the individuation of Leo and it is where they begin to experience the energy of opposite sign Aquarius .

“The importance of self-limitation is a lesson that ought to be driven home to all young Leos, but their lack of natural talent in this area is part of the downside of having a colourful attitude towards living life to the fullest.”

There was a point where Saturn ♄ was the traditional ruler of Aquarius. Because Saturn was once the last known planet of our solar system, it is associated with laws and limitations. The basic function of a law is to protect society, and this is where Aquarius derives its associations with groups and humanitarian concerns. Although Aquarians can also be quite eccentric, innovative, and even rebellious, the core principle that drives them is oftentimes more intellectual with a basic desire to become an accepted member of society while maintaining their sense of individuality and freedom. House XI is the Aquarius house and sits opposite House V in a natal chart.

“It (House XI) balances self-centeredness. It will reprimand an out-of-touch ego that disturbs the group and threatens the integrity of the whole. The 11th asks us to be ourselves – but within social reason. If the group likes us enough to applaud our creations, our ego will win the love and appreciation it craves. Yet if we pursue fame and prestige alone, we will eventually lose the self we first expressed so boldly. The challenge of the 5th is to remain an individual.”

Leo The Strength of Love

It’s no wonder that I learned the value of creativity from my mother. Born under the 1950’s conjunction of Pluto and the Sun, she was a dynamically expressive woman who carried the voice of the Pluto in Leo generation, a group associated with the grand theme of self-empowerment. The fierceness of her convictions were immense. She taught me to stand up for myself which proved to be a valuable lesson for my easygoing Cancer rising, Taurus Sun, and Virgo Moon. When I find myself in a less vibrant mood, it’s inspiring to remember her strength.

In addition, my mother always nurtured my creative spirit. I remember many nights where she stayed up late to help me with creative projects and teaching me how to draw. She wrote poetry, which was a passion that I similarly came to embrace. Lastly, my mother loved more fiercely than anyone I’ve ever known. But it wasn’t until later in life that I realized the true extent of her Leonine love, will, and loyalty to her children that was complimented by a protective Mars in Cancer. I believe that this was what carried us through our many hardships.

She used to say, “No one will love you as much as your mother does.” I wasn’t always connected to this fact but it resonates in her absence. It is a great demonstration of what fuels Leo; the act of love. These lessons of love, determination, lightheartedness, and self are healthy and powerful teachings that we can take from Leo.

“Without a healthy ego, we could never face such fears. Ego supplies the confidence and courage to take risks, create art, take up roller blading at fifty-five, or fall in love. Ego is the spark that keeps our passion burning.”

When we express our own unique individuality in respect to others, love others, and connect with our youthful, creative spirit we can open unfathomable doors that truly can bring us happiness!

Famous Leos via CafeAstrology

Ben Affleck (Sun and Mercury in Leo), Sandra Bullock (Sun and Mercury in Leo), J. C. Chasez of N’Sync, David Duchovny, Jonathon Frakes (Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Leo), Whitney Houston (Sun and Venus in Leo), Peter O’Toole (Sun and Moon in Leo), Jennifer Lopez (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Leo), Madonna (Sun and Venus in Leo), Robert Plant, George Bernard Shaw (Sun and Venus in Leo), Martin Sheen (Sun, Moon, and Mars in Leo), Kevin Spacey (Sun and Mercury in Leo), Christian Slater

Justin Broadrick of Jesu was born on born August 15, 1976 under the fixed fire sign of Leo ♌


  1. Leo The Lion Skyscript.
  2. The Sun Cafe Astrology
  3. Leo Cafe Astrology
  4. The Fifth House Astrodienst